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Vance and Bruce sat on the school's concrete steps after school, mainly just talking since they couldn't really talk during school. Not much had happened between them since art class, so they were mostly just talking about their day's. Well...more of Bruce was rambling about his day and Vance was listening, occasionally asking questions.

"And then Mrs.Lancey was lecturing me on writing 'I don't know' on an answer," Bruce groaned, dramatically lying back for a moment before standing up. "Oh! And my mom won't stop repeatedly asking me to practice my violin even though there's nothing to practice since I won't be in town for solo competition."

"Where will you be?" Vance asked, tilting his head like a confused puppy.

Bruce looked at him for a second, his cheeks feeling warmer than usual. He liked that Vance asked that with almost no hesitation. But then he realised he was staring—"oh, uhm, my sister has some dance competition in Arizona."

"That's fun," Vance nodded, a small smile across his lips.

Silence then fell upon the two, leaving them mostly to their thoughts. Vance looked over at Bruce, looking at all of his features. He stared at Bruce's dark, soft hair, each strand seeming almost perfect. Bruce's eyes were even better to look at in Vance's opinion. He liked how they could show so much emotion.

Snap! Bruce snapped his fingers in front of Vance's face, breaking him from this thoughts. "Don't do that in my face," Vance growled, eyebrows furrowed. He softened his demeanour when he saw Bruce look away awkwardly. Before an awkward silence could settle between them, Vance spoke up, "uhm..I have a gig at the bar on 39th and 5th next Saturday. Would you like to go?" His voice was quiet, and he wasn't even sure if Bruce heard it.

"Why not?" Bruce grinned. "But how am I supposed to get into the bar?"

Vance thought for a moment before saying, "some special pass, but I'll have to get it to you later." Bruce nodded with a smile. Vance smiled, but looked away before Bruce could see it.

Suddenly a black, fancier car pulled up and the passenger seat window rolled down. "Vance Hopper!" The woman from the night of the concert—Vance's mom—was there. Vance groaned, rolling his eyes as she scolded him, "what have I told you about staying after school while I'm in America?"

"To not stay for more than half an hour..." Vance huffed as he stood up. He turned back to Bruce with a half smile, "talk to you later."

Bruce grinned, nodding at him as he said bye. He watched as Vance got into the car, the car which sped away before Bruce could have another thought.

Shorter chapter cause covid is kicking my butt 🙁

i'll only pick you - brance [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now