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Bruce woke up to voices talking. He looked at the clock next to the bed he and Vance had slept in; 11:30 am. Bruce groaned tiredly, upset that he woke up later than normal. Normally Bruce was a morning person, but not today. He figured it was the fact he had actually fallen asleep around 1 am, or the fact he wasn't at home for the night.

The two voices continued to talk, both just loud enough that Bruce could tell it was Michelle and some guy. He figured the dude was Vance, but that changed when he tried to get out of the bed. Vance groaned, wrapping his arms around Bruce's body, pulling him back to the bed.

Bruce just laid there, unsure of what to think. He felt as warmth overcame him—an uncomfortable warm feeling. He figured the fact the room had been warm in the first place was a part, and the fact Vance had him held so close was also a factor. He shuffled around a bit trying to find a more comfortable position. Bruce knew Vance wasn't going to just let him go.

"Stop..." Vance growled in his sleep, his leg entangling with Bruce's.

Bruce quietly sighed, deciding he was comfortable enough. He didn't want to wake Vance up. He could tell Vance wasn't a morning person, and he figured this was 'early' to Vance. Bruce decided to just look closer at the room, since he hadn't really last night. He noticed a red electric guitar in the corner, and he figured it was what Vance played. There were also drums, so he also thought that could be what Vance mainly played.

He also noticed a red theme throughout Vance's room, wondering if that was Vance's favorite color. "Oh," Bruce heard Michelle speak from outside, her voice closer than it was before, "Vance is here, plus he's got a friend over."

"Alright," the man with her spoke. "I didn't realise you were related to Vance," the man laughed softly.

Michelle laughed as well, but told the man different, "nah. Vance is just a friend. We met at lunch during my senior year and his freshman year." She sighed, almost sadly. It was like she missed older time, and she did, understandably. " he's 18 and I'm 23."

The two continued to talk, but Bruce decided to quit listening. He felt it was intruding on their privacy in a way. Personally, he wouldn't want people just listening in on his conversations with Vance.

After a while of just lying there, a knock rang out. Bruce froze up, wondering if he should answer it or if he should wake up Vance. But then Vance yawned before stretching out his arms. "Sorry, I cling on to things when I sleep," Vance mumbled, rubbing his eyes as he watched Bruce sit up.

"It's fine, Vance," Bruce smiled softly. Knock knock knock. "You should answer that," Bruce said, watching as Vance quickly got up.

He opened it to Michelle, who raised her eyebrow at the fact he had very clearly just woke up. "I made lunch," Michelle started, and before Vance could even respond she spoke again, "and I have a guest over, so please both of you get dressed and come on."

Vance groaned a 'fine' before closing the door again. "You heard her," he sighed with a yawn following after.

After changing, Bruce and Vance headed out. In the dining area, that was right outside of the kitchen, they saw Michelle sitting right next to a man that Bruce sort of recognised. He had tanned skin, dark hair, dark eyes, a sort of muscular build, fluffy hair. He looked to be around the same age as Michelle, maybe a little older. It was Robin's Uncle, Antonio. "Are you two going to stare or sit down?" Michelle raised an eyebrow as she grabbed herself a plate.

"Sorry," Bruce murmured, glancing at Vance who looked at him. They sat down and grabbed themselves plates as well. "Did you sleep well?" Bruce asked quietly to Vance.

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