chapter 07; moments with you

Start from the beginning

As she stroke Sunghoon's hair, she said, "I'm sorry."

At school, Sunghoon is walking at the gate like everyday. Sunoo then suddenly approached him and started to walk beside him.

"Hey! Are you healthy today?" Sunoo asked.

Sunghoon stayed silent. But then, he asked, "What happened last night?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Sunoo shook his head. "No, nothing happened."

"Are you sure? Are you okay?"

Sunoo nodded his head, smiling at Sunghoon. "Yeah of course I'm fine."

Sunghoon, noticing Sunoo's attempt to keep the conversation light, decided to be more direct. "Sunoo, are you really okay? You know you can talk to me, right?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Sunoo smiled, appreciating Sunghoon's care. "I'm fine, Hoon. Really. Don't worry too much."

"But your dad..." Sunghoon hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "I just want to make sure you're safe."

Sunoo's smile faded slightly, and he glanced away. "It's nothing I can't handle. Let's just enjoy the day, okay?"

Sunghoon nodded reluctantly, accepting Sunoo's response for now. They continued chatting, discussing their plans for the weekend and trying to shift the focus away from Sunoo's family matters. Deep down, Sunghoon couldn't shake off the worry, but he respected Sunoo's boundaries and decided to be there for him in any way he could.

Inside the classroom, obviously they met with their biggest enemy, Jihoon. Jihoon was about to approach them but remembered the fight he and Sunghoon had, so he backed up even though he really wanted to pick on them.

As Sunghoon and Sunoo were walking to Sunghoon's desk, Sunoo asked, "Sunghoon-a, if I disappear, would you miss me?"

Sunghoon sat down on his chair before answering, "Of course I would, why?"

Sunoo smiled before shaking his head. "Nothing, I just wanted to ask that."

At the gate, Sunghoon and Sunoo walked together like they normally do after school. As the clouds gathering above, Sunoo, with a soft smile, said, "Let's spend the whole day together, Hoon."

Sunghoon happily agreed, shooting a quick text to his mom about his plans. As they continued walking, the first raindrops began to fall. Instead of seeking shelter, Sunoo turned towards the open road, a grin spreading across his face.

"Come on, Sunghoon! Run with me!" Sunoo exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious.

Without hesitation, he dashed into the street, raindrops turning into a curtain around him. Sunghoon, unable to resist the playful spirit, joined him, laughter echoing as the rain soaked them.

The both of them danced and laughed under the cascading droplets, oblivious to the world around them.

Sunghoon and Sunoo trudged through the forest, arriving at the familiar shack. They settled on the floor, breathing heavily after their adventurous rain play.

"That was so fun!" Sunghoon exclaimed, still catching his breath. Sunoo grinned in agreement, nodding at the thrill of their forest escapade.

A moment of silence embraced them, surrounded by the rustling leaves and gentle sounds of nature.

Sunoo broke the quietness, looking at Sunghoon with gratitude in his eyes. "I had so much fun today, Sunghoon. Thankyou for being such a good friend."

Sunghoon smiled, appreciating the unspoken bond they shared. "Of course, you needed one, I'm always there for you."

Sunoo arrived home, drenched from the rain, prompting his mother to spring into action.

Worried, she hastily stood up, fetching a towel for her wet son. "Oh dear, what happened?" she asked, concern etched on her face.

Sunoo chuckled, assuring his mother, "Mom, I'm okay. Sunghoon and I were just playing in the rain."

His mother sighed in relief, smiling at his adventurous spirit. "Sounds like it was a blast," she remarked.

Sunoo nodded. "It was."

Excusing himself, he headed upstairs to the bathroom beside his room.

Sunoo's mother sat on the dining table chair, now that she has calmed down because her son is okay, she prepared some tea to enjoy while listening to the rain pouring and hitting the roof of her house.

She never really get to enjoy these calming moments, since her husband always disrupts it.

After an hour or so, Sunoo's mother decided to check up on Sunoo since she thinks he's taking too long just to wash his hair.

Sunoo's mother went upstairs and started to call Sunoo's name, she checked the bathroom and saw Sunoo on the ground, sitting, staring blankly at the floor.

"S-sunoo... Your arm...!?"

eyyy, chapter 7 is here!!! short chapter today, i'm sorry :((((sorry if it took SUPER long, i'm super busy with school🥹🥹

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eyyy, chapter 7 is here!!! short chapter today, i'm sorry :((((
sorry if it took SUPER long, i'm super busy with school🥹🥹

but thankyou so much for reading AND waiting for this chapter, see you in chapter 8 mwaaaa

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