Keep It A Secret Everyone! (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Watch over her for a couple of minutes. And, don't corrupt her mind, Peter." Bruce said in a strict voice. "Fine. You're no fun." Peter replied as he took Erica towards the sandbox.

"So, you see, me and the rest of the members of Kiss are planning a surprise birthday party for Erica tomorrow night. So, I was thinking about inviting both of you. Because Erica seems attached to the both of you ever since the kidnapping incident. So, what do you say?" Bruce said and asked both Xavier and Akira.

"Actually, we're both school students and we are here on school holidays. So, what better way to spend the last remaining week with? So, sure! We'll come!" Xavier said. "And, we'll bring presents for little Erica. She's just an Angel!" Akira said.

"Awesome! The party is tomorrow night and I think it's best we exchange phone number." Bruce said as he pulled out his phone and both Xavier and Akira did the same as they exchange phone numbers together.

As the afternoon went on, the group continued chatting, sharing stories, and enjoying each other's company. The park was filled with laughter and the sound of children playing.

"Just to make sure that this party is a secret right?" Xavier asked. "Yep! We can't let Erica know about it." Bruce replied. 

They kept on talking and chatting about the secret surprise birthday party for Erica.


As the sun began to set, they packed up their belongings and bid farewell, promising to meet up again soon for another memorable day at the park.

The group dispersed, carrying with them the warmth and happiness that comes from spending quality time with friends.

~Back at the hotel~

Back at the hotel, Eric Carr, Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons, Ace Frehley, Peter Criss, Bruce Kulick, and Vinnie Vincent gathered in a cozy corner of the lounge, discussing the preparations for Erica's surprise birthday party the next night. They were excited to make it a memorable celebration for her, but they had to be careful not to let Erica catch them in the act.

As they were deep in conversation, little Erica, who was just two years old, wandered into the lounge, her curious eyes scanning the room. Sensing her presence, the band members quickly shifted their focus and tried to act nonchalant, hoping to divert her attention.

Erica, being an observant toddler, noticed the hushed whispers and exchanged glances among the group. With her innocent curiosity, she approached them and asked, "What are you all talking about? Is something special happening?"

The band members exchanged nervous glances, realizing they needed to come up with a convincing story to keep Erica from discovering the surprise. Paul Stanley, always quick on his feet, smiled at Erica and said, "Oh, we were just discussing our upcoming concert, Erica. We have something really exciting planned for the fans!"

Erica's eyes widened with excitement. "Can I come too?" she asked, her little face beaming with anticipation.

Gene Simmons, known for his playful nature, chuckled and replied, "Well, Erica, it's going to be a late-night concert, and it might be past your bedtime. But don't worry, we'll bring you a special souvenir from the show!"

"You have a bedtime curfew, sweetheart. So, you can't come." Eric said towards his daughter.

Erica seemed satisfied with the answer, but her curiosity still lingered. She looked at each band member, studying their expressions. Ace Frehley, known for his mischievous personality, decided to distract Erica with a playful question.

"Hey, Erica, have you ever seen a magic trick?" he asked, pulling out a deck of cards from his pocket. "I can show you a really cool one if you promise to keep it a secret!"

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