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What time is it? How can I even get up after last night? I was woken up by the sun filtering in through my window. Even in this strange land, there wasn't a better way to wake up then from natural sunlight. The morning's rays was the best way to be greeted in the morning. I was still in my combat gear from last night; I must've gone straight to sleep. Did I have anything going on today or could I stay in bed and sleep? Unfortunately not. I remembered I needed to spend time with Amelia and Winnifred.

I'd promised to hang out with Winnifred this afternoon at Blooming Meadows Park. Part of me wanted to act fatigued. It wasn't a complete lie; my bones are aching. No, that wouldn't be fair to Winnifred. She was the one who planned it out and decided to take the time out to get to know each other. The least I should do is show up. Besides, I have plenty of time to prepare. Her rose jewelled ring was ready to go. It was a clear cut pink agate in a plain silver band. Nothing too special but I hope she'll like it. I crafted a similar one for Amelia using an aquamarine gem instead.

Maybe I should read for a bit before heading out to face the day. Still don't have my book, never mind. She can't have hidden it in the depths of the ground, could she? There's no reason for me to stay in my room. I got up, put on a basic grey and blue jumper and black trousers, and left my room.

Everything seemed energetic in the hall. It wasn't the happy type of energy; It was more panicked than that. Nobody was in equipment or heading out somewhere so maybe some bad news came in?

Amelia was standing there with her pink hair lying flatly in a candy cane striped t-shirt and bottoms next to Jakob in a plain white set. Laurynn looked exhausted, her blonde hair in tangles and a sky printed top and shorts. Very impractical given that Thunder's Turbulence was coming up. Eve was fully clothed, wearing a maxi length dress coloured with stars in a purple galaxy. She was overdressed in comparison to them. Quickly scanning the room, it seemed Winnifred wasn't up yet. What time is it? Was I up too early? But then, why was everyone else up?

Sergeant Boots came into the main hall from upstairs. His general tough demeanour was shaken.

"Alright lads and ladies, we've a murderer on our hands. Two bodies of a married couple were discovered this morning." He pulled out a picture of a smiling youngish woman with reddish-brown hair in a chef's outfit "This here is Natalie Ruth, poisoned at her own restaurant. Foul play is naturally expected and I'm not talking about how they prepare the chicken." A smirk crept across my face as he made the pun to my own annoyance. If I want to fit in here, I can't be seen laughing at every joke. "Her husband Vincent was found on the outskirts of the town slashed up into little red ribbon streams of blood, guts and gore. Bodies have been confirmed by a local necromancer to have passed within an hour of each other. I want you." He pointed at Cale, eyelids heavy from the night before and wearing the same clothes I woke up in. "And you." This time at me with an overbearing force behind it "And also you, you're free now, ain't ya?" He wagged his finger at Alex who was directly behind me. I slightly turned around to see him give a curt nod. He was in his full black combat uniform so often I'd swear he lived in it. How does he manage to move behind me so softly? Either way, we were the only ones changed and ready to go out and investigate these murders.


It hit midday by the time we got to the restaurant. There were tons of people standing around the outside of the murder scene. It had been closed down after the woman choked and died. The severity of the situation hit me at once. Imagine going out for brunch with a friend and having your chef die right in front of you. Poison aside that would really be horrific, especially if you don't have any first aid training or-

"Barns, you doing alright?" Alex tapped my shoulder. Fates, I must look pretty weird staring off into space like that.

"I'm fine, where's the, uh, where's the place?" Need to stop thinking about stuff like that, the things I can't control. I'm never going to last as a hunter.

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