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Night had settled on the thirty-fifth of Ocean's Ice by the time I reached the Guardian's post. It's weird to think that I finished my Guardian training in Next Ed yesterday, yet here I am. I was standing a realm away from my family in the city of Morgaru. Rumours of the town's Caedes attacks reached back home, so an offer to work here arrived for me. I must admit, the attempted genocide on the Provectus population twenty years ago was concerning. All I could hope for was that the people had grown and changed since. The sprawling fields of green dotted with colourful flowers reminded me of the fields of home.

My new post shouldn't be too far from here. Hopefully I could meet the sergeant there and get set up for the night before it got too late. Adjusting my scarf, I prepared to head in.

After my refusal to marry, there was no chance of being welcomed home unless civil war broke out or I was otherwise forced home; My mother made that abundantly clear. Given that my sister already bore two children and is expecting a third, I didn't think she'd care that I like neither man or woman and had no intention to wed. Why would I marry someone I couldn't love in the way they wanted? Just toss me and my shattered nature out of sight and send me out to fight the monsters of the world. I had to admit the truth to her. It was better doing it with an escape to another realm in place. I shouldn't dwell on Rose for too long; she's a strong woman and can manage herself. I'll need to check that the portion of coin going home goes straight to her; wouldn't want the money tossed in a well to distance the good name of 'Listle' from me.

The post was dimly lit in the starlight. Funny, I remember the stars shining brighter in Terra. No matter, I need to get set up for the night and head inside.

There were vacant ceiling lanterns above me when I entered, illuminating the light brown wood. One rogue flame and the whole place could burn down. At least these wooden posts were only temporary. There was a muscle-bound man sitting at a recently varnished table by the entrance wearing a black and white uniform with various badges shining and reflecting off the lights. Judging by the uniform and standard haircut, he would be the sergeant I had to report to. He's staring at me. I better move quickly.

"So you must be the new archer, huh?" I tugged at the bow at my side as he said it. I nodded politely.

He continued talking before I could bring up the courage to speak. "You'll be addressing me as Sergeant Boots for your time here. Must be real talented if you've finished training a whole three months early." The sergeant started shuffling through the papers on his desk. "Lemme see here, what do your papers here say 'bout you..." After a couple seconds he picked out a piece of paper with my name, 'Barnabus Listle'. On it listed my height, weight, skill set, weapon of choice, and family background.

"Five four, one twenty pounds," He listed the information. "Bow's there, says here you're a talented survivalist, Fletcher, chef, and... jeweller?" The last one caught him off guard. I silently nodded again.

"Right. Anyway, you're a Pelagus from Terra staying here indefinitely. You asked for half the coin you earn to go back home?" Another nod.

"It's for my sister and her children." The Guardians force was a steady profession provided I didn't get murdered by a Caedes. Rose could use all the money she could get.

"Very well, confirming is all. You'd be surprised how many people find out their family want ninety percent of their income." He shoved the paper into one of the clutter-filled drawers, "Any other questions before I let you go?". I guess there was just the one. There was no guarantee that he'd know the answer.

"Exactly how many Provectus were killed here twenty years ago?" I regretted asking it the moment it left my lips. My question bounded off the walls in the ensuing silence. Yet the fact of it was that the fact deeply disturbed me. It was disgusting to think well over a thousand Provectus were butchered on this soil. Nicheville has always been a melting pot among the realms but to think anyone would kill someone over having 'accursed knowledge of magic'. According to an ant, everything outside of grains is otherworldly.

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