10 | Reacquainted

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Around two the following day, Imani entered the Holden General Hospital parking lot. Dylan sat next to her, eager to show Suzanne his morning sketch inside. It was a gorgeous sunset at Holden Creek with Suzanne and his mom.

"Do you think Susie will like it, Mom?" Dylan brushed his black hair out of his face while glancing at Imani. Her heart ached whenever she saw him. She thought she couldn't handle it sometimes when her chest was so full.

"Suzanne will love it." Her voice trembled slightly when she spoke. They adored Suzanne, the Paradise Lounge owner.

After Imani returned to town, the older woman immediately hired her as a cashier. On days when she worked at the animal shelter, Suzanne supervised Dylan. She looked younger than her actual age, which was just over sixty. She and Imani became close in their short time together. Since they trusted one another, they could talk about everything.

"I hope Susie likes it. I drew the picture since she likes sunsets. It looks pretty badass."

"Dylan, mind your language!"

"What? Suzanne loves that word. Every time she talks about the women who come to the bar, she says it all the time." Dylan looked away from Imani and focused on the window. "It's not a bad word, Mom. Kids today say more offensive words than that."

After parking, Imani sighed and they headed toward the building's foyer. The foyer was one of the few dark spots in the structure. As gloomy as hospitals may appear, it wasn't too hideous. They entered through the main entrance and took the elevators. She listened to Dylan avidly discuss new video games he played with Billy and Sebastian over the weekend. He was looking forward to Suzanne's participation once she got out of the hospital if she felt like playing video games.

Imani's heart tightened again thinking of Suzanne's challenges. Her friend's prognosis was not good. Her cancer had spread from her liver to her kidneys. Imani was unsure how to tell Dylan. A seven-year-old might not comprehend the meaning of having a terminal illness.

They arrived at the third floor, and she paused, noticing Zoe Sinclair standing near the drink machines. "Go on to Susie's room. She's waiting for you. I'll be there soon."

"Okay, Mom."

Dylan walked away, taking the familiar route to Suzanne's corridor. His curly hair bounced as he skipped, making Imani smile. Most kids wouldn't visit a sick woman, especially during the festival with fair rides and concerts. Imani knew she had a good kid. It was quite an achievement considering the toxic environment he was trapped in for the first half of the year.

She quickly turned toward Zoe, who casually threw her purse over her shoulder.

"You on-call today?" Imani asked, approaching her friend. A stunning yellow dress and high heels were seen under the white coat.

Zoe grinned as she looked up from her Sweet Tea. "Not exactly. I stopped by to help with registration. A new patient arrived at our facility this morning. Once I finish up, I'll be joining Brian and Ellie for lunch."

"That sounds like a lot of fun."

"It's been ages since the three of us last ate out together. We are going to try the downtown bistro." Zoe spun the top of her bottle and took a sip of her drink. She turned her attention back to Imani. "Are you here to see Suzanne?"

"Yeah, I thought I'd come by and check on her." Imani gulped as she saw an open door down the corridor.

She noticed Eugene Beaumont on a hospital bed. He had been admitted to the nursing home thirty miles southwest of the hospital the last time she visited. If he was hospitalized, his condition had deteriorated. Garrett may choose to visit his grandfather upon finding out about his health.

A Touch of Fate (Holden Series: Garrett & Imani)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora