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After their exchanged words, Zoe leaves James to sleep again while she found out what to eat for dinner. 


A couple more hours go by and James wakes from his slumber. No nightmares. He looks around his room and it feels different. He checks his phone. 


He had slept 2 more hours. He must've been really tired. Slowly, he gets out of bed. Way better than the floor. He checks the living room and sees Zoe isn't there. He opens his messages. 

Left to find some food. Be back soon

He sighed and grabbed some water. The thought of her lips made him smile to himself. He still couldn't believe she said yes.


The sound of unlocking is heard at the door. Zoe comes in with some take-out. James was in the shower. She sets the food on the table and grabs some plates and utensils. A few minutes later, James comes into the living room with wet hair and a t-shirt, which showcased his muscles. Zoe took a deep breath. Damn. She thought. 

"Hey, I grabbed some Japanese take-out."

James hugs her tightly. "Thanks."

"Yeah, no worries." They hug for a moment, and Zoe smells his hair. He smelled really good. She tried to shift her focus and let go the embrace. "How did you sleep?"

"Honestly, the best sleep I've had in a while."

"See? That floor was not it." She smiles.

They grab their plates and start eating. 

"How long have you been having nightmares?"

"Ever since I got my mind back. Once I had control again, the memories came back, and then nightmares." 

"Oh," she gives him a sympathetic look. 

"It's all good. I see a therapist to talk things out."

"Oh, really? That's great. Mental health is huge. I'm glad you're taking care of yours."

"You, too."

"What?" Zoe asks nervously.

"The first time I saw you was when I was waiting for my therapy appointment. You didn't notice me, you seemed really nervous."

"Oh, wow. I didn't know you noticed me." Zoe was embarrassed.

"Hey, don't be embarrassed." James grabs her hand and smiles. "I'm happy you're helping yourself out. No one should ever fight alone."

Zoe gives a soft smile. "Thanks."

"If you ever want to talk about it, I'm here." He looks at her seriously. 

"Thank you, Bucky." She says quietly. Her phone rings. It was Mama V. "Hold on just one sec." She answers the phone and talks to Mama V for a few minutes. James continues eating. 

"Is everything okay?" James questions when Zoe is finished. 

"Yeah, she was just checking on me. I usually visit her once a week and haven't been over to see her lately."

"Do you usually visit at the restaurant or the dance school?"

"The restaurant. I try to avoid the school only because it makes her think I will start teaching."

"You should."

Zoe scoffs. "Now you sound like her."

"Maybe she's right. She knows you love it and she sees something in you."

Zoe ponders his words, thinking about the phone call she just had with Mama V. She asked Zoe once again to reconsider dancing and teaching. Zoe sighs. 

"I'm sorry. It's not my place to put myself into this." James apologizes.

"No, you're right. I just.." she trails of, her voice getting shaky. "Every time I go there, I am reminded of my childhood, which is fine. It's just that.. my sister..." tears begin to form in her eyes. "She loved dancing and that's one way we bonded." Her tears turn into a soft cry. James immediately goes over to her and holds her. She buries her head into her hands and continues to cry. She mumbles, "I can't handle it."

"You can. I know you can." James reassures, rubbing her back. Zoe continues to cry and eventually catches her breath. She sighs before speaking again, rubbing the tears from her face. 

"I just don't feel strong enough to start dancing yet, but my therapist tells me the longer I push it off, the harder it will become. I can still grieve my sister, but I don't have to let the grief dictate my love for it. Easier said than done."

"Sure. Just take things slow with it, okay?" He looks into her watery eyes and gives her a smile. She manages to give a small one in return.

"Okay." She sniffles and James plants a kiss on her wet cheek, then sits back in his chair. After telling this to James, Zoe felt better. She felt better knowing that she wasn't alone in this battle. 

A Place for You & Me ・Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now