coffee shop

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After her session, Zoe goes straight to work. She feels somewhat relieved after her session, her anxiety has picked up a bit the last week, but she finds solace at work. The smells of the shop fill her nostrils as she approaches. Nothing like fresh coffee in the morning. After she clocks in, she begins serving customers.

James was hesitant to enter the coffee shop, but he knew it had to be done. It was the closest by, so he decided to step in. Immediately, he experienced anxiousness as he saw all kinds of people in the shop. He almost turned back but a voice called. "Welcome to Sunny's!" He turned and saw the woman from the therapist standing at the counter. He paused awkwardly before taking a few steps toward the counter, shyly. "Hi, thanks," he said in a low tone, trying to avoid direct eye contact. 

"Is this your first time here?" she asks. 

"Yeah, I figured I would just stop by," he glances at her and her smile. 

"Well, we are honored to have you! You want to look at the menu for a second?" she notices his shyness. 

"Sure, that would be great."

"No problem. Take your time." 

Zoe turns to brew a cup for a customer. James looks around before looking at the menu. Why am I here? I hate coffee. He tries to find something appealing to him. Zoe turns back around and sees him still looking. 

"Not a big coffee person, are you?" 

He was shocked at her comment. 

"I can just tell. People who drink coffee usually know what they want. But I have some teas, smoothies, and juices if any of those suit you. Or some bakery items if you don't want anything to drink." 

James' glance is sheepish and his face blushes a bit. "What do you recommend?"

"Well, I like green tea with honey, personally. And the cinnamon rolls are to die for." 

"I'll have that, then."

"Perfect! And since it's your first time, it's on the house. Feel free to take out any of the books we have if you are wanting to sit a while." Zoe points to a bookcase tucked in a corner. 

"Sure. Thanks." 

He steps away from the counter and gravitates towards the bookcase. James skims over the books, but he's more worried about the other people watching him. Grabbing a random one, he sits at a nearby table, taking in the view of the shop. It has a cozy feel, with warm colors of yellow, green, brown, and red. He watches people converse, read, write, and laugh. No one looks at him, which is all he is concerned about. He opens the book and skims through the pages. A romance novel, great. As he closes the book, Zoe greets him with his order. "Here you are." 

She sets the items down and glances at the book. "A romance guy, yeah?"

James stiffens. "Not exactly, just kinda grabbed one," he blushes again. 

"Ah, don't worry. I don't judge." She gives him a warm smile. "Let me know if you need anything else."

"Will do. Thanks." 

She walks away and he notices how tight his hands are clenched. Jeez. I really do need to get out more. 

A Place for You & Me ・Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now