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After a night of searching and finding food, Sam takes James shopping the next day. 

"Alright. We need some cookware, tupperware, blankets, towels, some new outfits, a few decorations, and you'll be set."

"Sam, this is all a little much, isn't it?"

"You're living like a monk, no it's not a bit much." 

"Whatever you say." 

As they shop around, a few people bring attention to Sam, asking him for autographs and pictures. Sam notices how offputting this is to James.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Why?"

"You just seem nervous whenever people approach us."

"I'm just kinda introverted." Sam gives him a look. "What? I am."

"Now we both know that's a lie. What is it really?"

"Well, you know, people might recognize me as.." he turns and looks around "an assassin or something," he says softly. 

"Look, the average person doesn't even know who you are. And if they do, they see you as a hero, not a villain."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Has anyone confronted you about it?"

"Well.. no."

"Then there you have it. You have to get out of your own head sometimes." James nodded. 

"Yeah, you're right."

"Besides, you're with me."

"Oh, I feel so safe." James laughs. 

"Alright now, I'll remember that next time you actually need saving."

After spending all day out shopping, Sam and James come back and redecorate.

"There. That looks so much more inviting."

"Yeah. Feels like a home."

"And you better use that bed otherwise I'm taking it back."

"Haha. Don't worry. I'll use it."

"So, where's a good place to have some fun around here?"

"Like, a bar?"

"Yeah, anything."


"Oh, please tell me you at least get out."

"I mean, I go to this coffee shop every once in a while."

"A coffee shop?! I can't believe this. We're going out tonight, whether you like it or not."

"I figured."

"Put on one of those new outfits we bought. We gotta get you outta here."

A Place for You & Me ・Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now