chapter 7 Did the egg crack?

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He died.
There, sprawled on the ground, lay the seemingly lifeless Shinichiro. However, Tamako quickly added a humorous twist to the situation by playfully remarking, "Just kidding." It was her way of injecting a bit of lightness into the tense moment, prompting a mixture of relief and laughter from those witnessing the unexpected turn of events.

Shinichiro winced, cradling his injured arm, "Well, this isn't how I expected my day to go."Tamako sighed, "Sorry about the helmet thing. I thought it'd be fun, not end in a brawl."
Kazutora, nursing a bruise from Tamako's punch, muttered, "It's all Mikey's fault. He's cursed."Tamako raised an eyebrow, "Mikey's cursed? Well, that's a new one."
Tamako's initial light-heartedness disappeared as she looked at Shinichiro's injured arm, her concern evident in the deepening frown on her face. Wanting to shield her younger siblings from the escalating conflict, she instructed Tanaka to stay back with Taka.

As the siren wailed in the distance, indicating the impending arrival of the authorities, Shinichiro, despite his own injury, was prepared to protect Baji and Kazutora. However, Baji, taking responsibility for their actions, expressed a willingness to face the consequences. On the other hand, Kazutora continued to mumble about how it's all Mikey's fault.(poor tora has lost it lmao)

The wailing sirens signaled the approaching police, urging Tamako and Tanaka to make a swift exit from the chaotic scene. In the midst of the commotion, Tanaka turned to Shinichiro, a hint of regret in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Shinichiro, but we gotta go now."
Shinichiro, his injured arm a testament to the turmoil that unfolded, looked at them with a mix of confusion and concern. "Where are you guys going?"

Tamako, attempting to lighten the mood with a touch of humor, quipped, "Can't explain, Shin. Just know we're Cinderella and the two siblings—brothers, sisters, whatever. We gotta go now; it's an emergency."

As they made their way out of the store, Tamako's joking tone couldn't fully conceal the underlying worry etched on her face. Taka nestled in her arms, and Tanaka trailing behind, they managed to slip away before the scene grew more crowded. Outside, they observed Shinichiro getting his arm treated, while Mikey, still uncertain of the unfolding events, stared at Baji and Kazutora. The weight of Baji's regret was evident, his tear-filled eyes reflecting the remorse for the harm caused to his best friend's brother.
The Fujiwara siblings, concealed in the shadows, anxiously observed the unfolding events.both tamako and Tanaka still worried about shinichiro broken arm. Suddenly, Tamako's pendant began to glow, and the mysterious black void emerged once more, swallowing the siblings into its depths.

Grandma yumiko pov
As Grandma Yumiko was enjoying a peaceful cup of tea, the aroma of the steaming brew embracing the room, the sudden arrival of the Fujiwara siblings caused her to spill a few drops. With a bemused expression, she mused, "Well, that's one way to add a splash of adventure to my tea time."
Grandma Yumiko, wiping away the spilled tea, looked at the Fujiwara siblings with curiosity. "So, did you manage to save Shinichiro Sano?" she inquired, her blind eyes reflecting a sense of anticipation.

Tamako, glancing at Tanaka, replied, "We did manage to intervene, but things got a bit messy. Shinichiro got his arm broken, and Baji and Kazutora were arrested."Grandma Yumiko, her expression unchanged, nodded sagely. "Every intervention has its consequences. Now, your next task is to ensure that things unfold correctly in the Tokyo Revengers storyline. Mikey's trust in Baji and the harmony of the gang are crucial. Go, my children, and make sure destiny stays on its course."

As Tamako extended her hand towards Grandma Yumiko's pastry, the black pitch unexpectedly emerged, engulfing them once more. It seems the universe had a knack for dramatic timing, interrupting even the simplest of cravings with another adventure.

In this new timeline, the Fujiwara siblings found themselves in a futuristic world surrounded by advanced technology and bustling crowds. However, their attention was diverted when Tamako and Tanaka noticed a peculiar change in themselves.Tamako's eyes widened as she observed Tanaka, and a moment of realization hit her. "What the..." she began, struggling to articulate her surprise. Finally, she blurted out, "Tanaka, you shrank?"Tanaka, equally perplexed, scrutinized himself and then Tamako. "No, you shrank, sis. You look like your middle school days." Taka, being a baby, remained unaffected by the age-altering anomaly.Curiosity led the siblings to a nearby building with reflective surfaces. As they gazed at their reflections, Tamako indeed appeared younger, reminiscent of her middle school self. However, Tanaka was horrified to discover he looked like a five-year-old.In shock, Tanaka muttered, "God hates me." His distress caught Tamako's attention, and she looked at him, assessing the situation. Sensing Tanaka's unease, Tamako's expression shifted abruptly. Before Tanaka could utter a word, she squealed with delight, "ADORABLE!" and proceeded to rub her face against Tanaka, all while still holding onto baby Taka.The sudden shift from distress to delight left Tanaka bewildered, and the surrealness of the situation lingered in the air.


As Tamako, Tanaka, and baby Taka navigated the futuristic landscape, a woman approached them with a warm smile. "Hello there! Lost, aren't you?" she asked kindly.Tamako, always quick to respond, grinned. "Well, not exactly lost. More like unexpectedly miniaturized." She pointed at Tanaka, who was still grappling with his pint-sized predicament.The woman chuckled. "Oh my, seems like a little age mix-up. Happens sometimes. Come, why don't you join me at my house? We can figure things out there."Curiosity mingled with relief, the Fujiwara siblings agreed to follow the woman to her residence. Along the way, Tamako whispered to Tanaka, "Well, at least we won't need a babysitter for Taka anymore." Tanaka shot her an exasperated look, but Tamako just giggled.Upon reaching the woman's house, the siblings were welcomed inside. The woman, whose name turned out to be Ayako, offered them some refreshments. While sipping on futuristic tea, they exchanged stories about their peculiar journey.

I wonder who this lady might be 🤔

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