chapter 3 truck Kun who?

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Tamako, with her friend Ray, was immersed in a lively conversation when her eyes caught sight of an approaching truck and an elderly woman in its path. Without a moment's hesitation, Tamako sprinted towards the scene, pushing the old lady out of harm's way just in time. The two rolled to the side, and Tamako, though scratched and a bit disheveled, was determined to ensure the woman's safety.

"Whoa, that was a close one! Are you okay?" Tamako asked, realizing the woman might not have seen the danger.

The old lady, still catching her breath, expressed her gratitude, "Thank you, dear. I couldn't see the danger coming."
Tamako just realized the lady was actually blind.
Tamako, not willing to leave her alone, insisted on accompanying her home. To express her gratitude, the old lady reached into her bag and handed Tamako a pendant. "Take this as a token of my appreciation. It's been in my family for generations."shinnnyyy
A sudden bonk to head brought her back to sense.ouch.
"You could have got injured very badly you idiot!" Said an angry ray.Tamako, examining the pendant, turned to Ray, who was checking if she was okay. With an awkward yet playful grin, Tamako joked, "Hey, a little scratch adds character, right? I'm perfectly fine.

Ignoring her scratches, Tamako walked the old lady to her home, engaging in light-hearted banter along the way. As they reached the doorstep, the old lady thanked Tamako again, "You're a guardian angel, dear."Tamako, with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, responded, "Well, angels do need a day off. If you ever need another rescue, just call me. I've got superhero duties, you know?"The old lady chuckled, bidding Tamako farewell.

As Tamako and Ray headed towards the comic store after the daring incident, Ray couldn't help but scold Tamako, her concern evident.
"Tamako, you're like a magnet for trouble. What were you thinking, jumping in front of a truck like that?" Ray scolded, her worry mixing with frustration.

Tamako, with a cheeky grin, retorted, "Hey, I couldn't just stand there and let the truck turn her into a pancake. Besides, it adds another adventure to my life story."
Rolling her eyes, Ray sighed, "Your life is not a manga, Tamako. You need to be more careful."As they entered the comic store, Tamako continued to defend her impulsive actions, "Well, life would be pretty boring if it were. Imagine the headlines: 'Fearless Scratch Collector Saves Blind Grandma!' Catchy, right?"Ray, still shaking her head, couldn't suppress a smile. "You're unbelievable, Tamako. Let's just find some comics and try not to save the world while we're at it, okay?"

After grabbing some comics, Tamako and Ray said their goodbyes in a fun way.
Tamako struck a pose, holding her comics like a hero. "Time for my epic exit! Until the next adventure, Ray!"
Ray couldn't help but laugh. "More like the misadventure! Seriously, Tamako, no more wild stunts!"
Tamako, with a mischievous grin, shrugged. "No promises, Ray! Life's too short to be boring."As Tamako started to walk away, she shouted, "See you later!"Ray yelled back, "And try not to get into trouble!"Tamako waved, "No guarantees!" and continued her way home, leaving Ray with a mix of amusement and exasperation.

Tanaka chan's pov <3
Tanaka, as Tamako approached home, had an uncanny sixth sense for trouble. He felt a disturbance in the household force,Tamako burst through the door, scratches on her face like battle scars. Tanaka raised an eyebrow, not surprised in the slightest.

"I sensed trouble, and here you are. What happened this time?" Tanaka asked, already bracing himself for a wild tale.

Tamako, flashing a reassuring smile, casually waved it off. "Oh, just a little scratch, Tanaka-chan~. No big deal. Saved a grandma from a truck. You know, the usual."

n𝚘𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚍𝚊𝚖𝚜𝚎𝚕 𝚒𝚗 𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें