She folded her arms on the surface and leaned forward, waiting for him to finish his flipping and notice her presence in the room. Once he finally turned around with a plate in his hand stacked to the brim with steaming hot cakes, she smiled and wiggled her fingers as his eyes landed on her.

"Morning, Stevie." She greeted him as he set the pancakes down with the other plates sitting on the counter, ready to be eaten.

Steve smiles at his little sister, "Morning, Tink." He replied as he picked up his mug of coffee and took a sip, "Eat up, we gotta be in out of here in about..." He trails off and glanced at the watch on his wrist, "20 minutes."

Violet's brows furrowed and her gaze raised up at him while she made her plate, "That's earlier than usual, any reason why?"

"We're picking up Robin today and she told me yesterday that she really needed to be at the school super early for marching band." Steve explained.

After the events of the hellish 4th of July the party endured, they gained a new member in Robin Buckley. The blue eyed freckled blonde and Steve very quickly became an inseparable duo prior to being kidnapped and drugged by Russians underneath Star Court Mall, and having a heart to heart on the dingy floor of a public restroom after puking their guts out in toilets stalls.

Shared trauma, it tends to cement lifelong bonds between even the most unlikely of people.

Together they found new place of employment at the local Family Video and worked side by side, and he'd give her a ride to school every morning since the blonde didn't drive herself.

After Violet's bedrest ended and her scarred abdomen healed up, the first thing she demanded was to be taken to the local diner for some fatty food and hear every single detail of what happened under the mall. And so, Steve picked up Robin and the three of them found a booth in the back where no one would overhear the bizarre story, and they explained everything from beginning to end while they ate their food.

When they got to the heart to heart portion Violet could tell that Robin was hesitant, there was a nervous look stretched on her porcelain features and her lower lip was being nibbled idly. But then Steve nudged her gently and sent her an assuring look, and the blonde girl nods at him and took a deep breath before she continued telling the rest of the story.

Violet has only know two people in her life who weren't straight, Max and Will. Being around them made her feel seen and accepted, like she wasn't alone in this one horse town of people with such small minds, ignorant views on life, and fears of anything remotely different. But she's never met someone who was exactly like her, someone who's only attracted to girls. Someone who was... a lesbian.

She hadn't until today, at least.

When Violet saw the fearful look in the blue eyes girl's gaze it was like she looking in mirror, she had the same look in her eyes the day she stood in front of her friends and told them she was gay. The tiniest of gentle smiles curled on her lips as she reached across the table and took Robin's trembling hand and laced their fingers, the freckled girl's eyes grew as they raised to Violet, and she gave her palm a squeeze.

"I like girls too, Robin." Violet revealed softly, watching the tears brim in the blonde's girl's eyes. "We're the same, you're not alone anymore." Her words brought a brightness to Robin's features as a tear slid down her freckled cheek, Violet couldn't help the smile that pulls at the corners of her lips.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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