viii. attack of the feels

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THE TWO VAMPIRES SAT SIDE BY SIDE, Zachary resting his head against Stefan's shoulder, his eyes fluttering closed as he soaked in the peaceful feeling that enveloped him whenever in the Salvatore boy's presence. He revelled in that feeling for as long as he could, dreaming that Stefan shared that same overwhelming calmness around him as he did. He longed for it.

Unfortunately, it wasn't long before the front door swung open to reveal Damon and Elena; their expressions instantly lighting up with pure confusion and disbelief at the sight of the Original alive and breathing.

"Zachary--" Elena stammered, her eyes darting over his no-longer-decaying figure. "You're alive!" She dashed towards at him much to Zachary's surprise, kneeling down to his height and throwing her arms around his neck. Hesitancy and bewilderment flooded him.

"You're alive too." Zachary deadpanned, his stoic expression melting into uncertainty for a moment, having briefly forgotten the events of the evening. When recognition hit him, he softened. He thought he had failed and that Rose would have killed Elena, but she was here and all he felt was relief, his arms hesitantly wrapping around her, pulling her closer. 

"I'm glad you're okay." Elena smiled at him so genuinely as she pulled away. Zachary internally winced, initially shocked and dumbfounded that she cared at all about his wellbeing. And when those feelings settled as her pure expression convinced him that she truly did care, he recoiled again, not at all believing that he deserved it. "Thank you for protecting me."

"Protecting you?" Zachary scoffed, deeply wounded by his failure. "I didn't protect you. I failed. Rose-Marie managed to kill me before you were safe."

"But you tried." Elena reassured him, giving his shoulder a comforting squeeze. "You risked your life for mine. I won't forget that."

How did he tell her that he technically didn't risk his life for hers if he physically couldn't die? Did it still count? He supposed to a human it probably did. Zachary didn't know what to say. He felt weird at all the affection he had been given in this evening alone and he didn't know if he liked it. It was strange, unusual, and entirely overwhelming as it bubbled in his chest. "As long as you're okay." He murmured quietly, trying to calm his mind.

Damon, whom Zachary had completely forgotten was standing there, of course had to interrupt. "How exactly are you alive?" He asked, commanding an explanation, his bad mood seemingly in full swing and targeted straight at the recently resurrected vampire. 

His bitter tone and the matching harsh glare was like a poisoned dagger, brandishing his failure to protect the doppelgänger right in front of his face before driving it deeper into his chest. Zachary and his typical egocentric mindset, didn't stop to think about the true cause of Damon's bad mood, having completely forgone any thoughts about Rose, her likely death and how that would be affecting the dark-haired Salvatore. Instead, it just felt personal.

Thankfully, Elena interrupted with a much kinder tone. "Yeah, how are you..." She trailed off, her relief fading as the confusion set back in. "I saw you. You were dead."

"For centuries now." Zachary said, trying to joke despite his tainted mood. It was a joke Elijah often made and he always did enjoy pinching stuff from his brothers, but it seemed not even that was going to soothe his mind that was beginning to race in that moment. "I cannot die. I told you that days ago." He didn't want to answer anymore questions. He didn't want to be looked at like he had failed, or like he was some kind of saviour. He wanted none of it. He wanted it all to stop. "Stefan can tell you what I told him if he wishes to do so." He said, his voice quivering as he fought against his weakened body as he pulled himself to his feet with trembling limbs.

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