ii. you know klaus?

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AFTER THAT REVEAL, the Salvatore brothers broke out in a fit of worry - most of which ended up targeted at Zachary. He did his best to calm them down for the doppelgänger's sake. The poor girl may as well have been cursed herself; cursed with a face cruelly fated to be sacrificed. Thankfully, Zachary somehow managed to settle them down and convince them to take the girl home, telling them he'd meet them back in Mystic Falls later.

Once they had left, Zachary was suddenly reminded of the other two vampires that had called him here. He did a quick search of the house and found that they were nowhere to be seen. He guessed Rose decided to stay loyal to her friend and that they were back on the run together. Shame. Trip wasted for her then.

·༓。*゚✧ ★ ✧·゚*゚。༓·

FINDING THE SALVATORE'S current residence had not been difficult in the slightest. He asked the first person he saw in town and they directed him to the large boarding house.

As soon as he stepped through the door, which he was surprised wasn't bordered by an invisible wall, he was tackled off of his feet and thrown straight into a wall. 

"Ow." Zachary grunted, hitting the wall and falling to the floor in a heap. He scrambled back onto his feet and held his hands up in surrender at an angry Damon Salvatore. "What was that for?"

"Rose told us about you." Stefan said, appearing from another room.

"Rose-Marie is here?" Zachary asked, sure that she had left with her friend.

"She was. She left before you got here to go off with her friend." Damon explained. "Said she wanted to warn us about you before she went."

'Most helpful Rose-Marie, thank you.' Zachary thought in annoyance. He knew she didn't trust him but to now make Stefan and Damon question his trustworthiness was so inconvenient for all of them. 

"Warn you about what?" Zachary asked them, dreading the worst as he raised an eyebrow in innocence.

"About you being an original." Damon accused, glaring him down. That wasn't too bad. "Like Klaus." Never mind. 

"Is that true?" Stefan interrogated, betrayal evident in his eyes. Clearly this information had come as quite a shock, especially considering their past friendship and that he had only just learnt Zachary had been a vampire to begin with.

"Yes." Zachary admitted, not wanting to lie to him. He couldn't have Stefan looking at him like that for any longer. It stung.

"So you know Klaus?" Stefan prodded for more. 

"I do." Zachary confessed, seeing exactly where this was going. 

"Rose also told Elena earlier--" Stefan said, failing to hide away his anxiety surrounding the topic as he looked at Zachary. "--That you're her worst nightmare." 

'Of course she bloody did. How thoughtful of her.' Zachary thought. He wanted to scream.

"It would be Klaus that is her worst nightmare." Zachary cleared up. 

"But don't you know Klaus?" Damon reiterated.

"I already said that I did." Zachary said, getting frustrated. Did simply knowing Klaus make him a threat in their eyes? "Does that matter?"

"You tell me." Damon narrowed his eyes at him, distrustingly. Thankfully, Stefan's gaze wasn't quite so accusing and instead Zachary could tell Stefan wanted to trust him.

"It doesn't make any difference to me." Zachary shrugged, unsure what to say. "I've known him for a very long time, which surely gives me an advantage to help you protect Elena from him."

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