Chapter 4

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           *Bismillaahir- Rahmanir- Rahim*

Author's pov

Previously on MUFEEDAH...




As Mufeedah cut the call with Saffah, she then got a blue hijab and stuck her head only to be met with two men in black suits

"Ma'am, we were sent here by your mother" the fair one said

"Huh, this has to be a joke right" Mufeedah said trying to hold her fear back in

"No, Ma'am its not a joke the darker one replied

"P...prove it" she stuttered

He then pulled something from this pocket, for a second there she thought it was a gun

But it was just his phone, he dialed some numbers

And the person answered at the first ring

" Hello, is she with you guys yet" a familiar feminine voice spoke

"Waiwaiwaiwait(Wait but extremly fast), MAMI!!" She screamed in shock

"Oh, I'm on loud speaker?" She asked no one in particular

"Anyway, habibti please follow this men, I have a surprise for you" she heard her mum squeal like a little child

"Oh, ok" she replied confused on what her mom had instored for her

With that her mom cut the call

"Ma'am, please can we go now?" The darker man spoke, she couldn't really tell how they looked cuz of the shades and mask they were wearing

She nodded and they opened the door wider so she'd be able to pass

She didn't bother to change since she was in her long hijab

As she walked out of the compound with the two men behind her, she was met with a sight that was beyond beautiful

Could it be?

No it couldn't, could it? , she thought

It was a fully tinted...

"G-WAGON!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs

The fairer man stifled a chuckle

But the darker one couldn't help but let out a tiny chuckle

She was acting like a villager

For God's sake, she was in Abuja

Kai, Mufeedah you are a wawiya,try to act posh her subconscious scolded

Mufeedah's pov

As I scolded myself, the devil whispered something in my ear

"Annoy them" it passed through my ear with a slow and devilish whisper

I smiled to my self knowing what I was about to do, as we approached the car the fair one opened the door for me and I got in then he sat in the driver's seat while, the dark one sat on the passenger seat

We began our drive slowly because we were in the estate, and as we left the gate The speed increased a little

"Sooooo, what are your names, or are you guys nameless" I asked to begin my mission

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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