The (not so) cursed Pocky- Nalu

Start from the beginning

"Lucy! These are cursed!" Levy squealed.

"Hm!" Lucy squeaked in a shock.

She was going to ask about the type of curse, but it quickly became apparent that she couldn't open her mouth anymore.

In a panic, Lucy tried to pull the Pocky out but it wouldn't budge. No matter how hard she pulled or tried to break it, nothing happened. The Pocky was stuck and her mouth was glued shut.

After giving up on her struggle, she glanced back at Levy with a pleading puppy face. Levy sighed and shook her head. The bluenette shuffled through her things until she found her light pen.

"Here. Use this to talk." Levy offered.

She handed the pen over to the blonde and she took it graciously.

"Thank you so much! But what do I do now?" Lucy wrote with the light pen.

"I don't know what to tell you, Lu. You could help me read through and find the cure, but a lot of these books are in different languages. So, you wouldn't get very far in that, and I don't know how long it will take me. So, your only other option would be to try and break it yourself." Levy explained to the distressed blonde.

"How?" Lucy wrote.

Levy tapped her chin as she thought over a few possibilities.

"Well, it is a Pocky, so maybe you just have to play the game." Levy suggested.

Lucy's eyes widened and her whole face turned tomato red. Play the Pocky game! She could be serious! There was no way she could play that game. Especially not with anyone in the guild.

"Are you serious? I can't do that! I'll die of embarrassment!" Lucy wrote out frantically.

Levy only shrugged.

"It's either find it out yourself or wait until I can find the cure. But I can't say how long it will take." Levy pointed out.

Lucy hung her head in dismay. This was going to be a very long, very embarrassing day that she would dread for days to come. But she knew that she had to try something or she would be stuck like this for Mavis knows how long. Even if it meant an abundance of awkwardness for a while.

"Ok. I'll try." Lucy wrote.

Lucy huffed out her nose and looked around the guildhall. Who could she play this stupid game with and have it not be...too awkward?

A sudden puff of smoke appeared beside her and Lucy groaned. She didn't have to turn around to know who it was. Loke had a habit of coming through the gate all on his own. Not that Lucy was surprised, and especially not with the eager smile of his when he stepped in front of her.

"Hey beautiful. Need someone to take that chocolate off your hands? Or should I say, off your lips?" Loke winked. "I would be more than happy to help you."

Lucy rolled her eyes. Of course, he would appear now. But if he could get it done and over with, she could allow it just this once. It couldn't hurt that much, right?

"Fine." Lucy wrote.

Loke's jaw hit the floor. He couldn't believe that she actually agreed. This was his chance! Without a second thought he lean in ready to take a big bite of the chocolate treat. Lucy snapped her eyes shut, mentally preparing herself for what came next.

However, when Loke bit down there was nothing there. His eyes widened when he saw the Pocky had moved. But it didn't just move positions, the whole thing moved. The Pocky was now like a chocolate noddle that had a mind of its own.

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