Loves Clarity- Nalu (part 1)

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It was a pleasant and peaceful day in Magnolia, and many of the Fairy Tail wizards were taking some time to enjoy the peace.

Lucy sat at the bar, waiting for the rest of her team to make their appearance. She had expected them, or at least Natsu, to be the first one there, picking a fight with Gray, or anyone really. He practically lived in this guild when he wasn't at her apartment. So, where could he be?

"Thinking about you and Natsu?" Mira suddenly asked.

"What? No!" Lucy crossed her arms.

"Come on. Everyone knows you have a thing for him." Mira grinned.

" I don't!" Lucy yelped.

"Say what you want, but we all know it. You two are going to be Fairy Tail's sweetest couple." Mira cooed, clapping her hands together.

"Ok, I'm done with this. If Natsu comes looking for me for job, tell him I'm out for a walk." Lucy said.

"That's not the only thing I'll tell him." Mira said in a sing song voice.

Lucy blushed, but ignored the comment as she ran out of the guild. She wasn't going in any particular direction, she just needed to get away before she said something she'd regret. Especially if it was in front of Mira.

"What is Mira thinking? Me a couple?" Lucy paused in her walk.

It wasn't an unheard of idea, but there were so many things she was unsure about. At the top of the list was if Natsu had any romantic feelings for her at all. He has never had a crush, according to everyone at the guild. So why would he chose her of all people?

"I wish I knew." Lucy muttered to herself.

She continued her walk and trying to sort out her feelings until she stumbled upon a new magic shop.

It was odd, because it didn't seem to fit well in the area and she hadn't ever seen it before. Almost as of it came in overnight. But there was something unique about it that drew her inside.

As she entered the shop, she was greeted with walls filled with potions. Each one shimmered in different vibrant colors, and there were so many, it was hard to even count them.

"Wow. I wonder what they all do." Lucy wondered aloud.

"Each one has a special ability."

Lucy yelped and whipped around to see a woman standing behind the counter in the corner. She was very pretty with her long black hair, fair skin, blue eyes, and long burgundy dress.

"Um...hi." Lucy gave a small wave. "This is quite the shop you have."

"Thank you." She nodded. "Is there something I can do for you? You seem troubled."

"Oh! Well...I don't know." Lucy nervously fidgeted with her fingers. "It's not exactly something that I'd like to talk about with a stranger."

"Ah, where are my manners. My name is Nina. I specialize in potions and dabble in charm making. Maybe I have something here that could help you." Nina offered. "I have helped many with these items."

"I'm Lucy, but I don't think there is anything here that could help me." Lucy replied. "My problem has to do with...someone else."

"Oh, a lover than?" Nina inquired.

"What? No! It's not like that. Natsu and I are just friends." Lucy assured.

Nina grinned knowing at Lucy.

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