Nightmares- Gruvia

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Fairy tail was up against another dangerous foe, and right now, it wasn't looking good. Everyone was battered and bruised with their clothes torn in some way. Most of them were already down for the count, or could barely stay standing.

Juvia and Gray were some of those still left standing against the enemy. Both were exhausted and ached from head to toe, but they couldn't give up. They wouldn't until the enemy was down.

"We need to end this." Gray huffed painfully. "Now."

There was a brief silence between them as they waited for their enemy's next move.

"Juvia has an idea." Juvia whispered to him.

"What is it?" Gray asked, still not taking his eyes off their opponent.

"Juvia can use her water lock spell, and Gray can freeze it with his ice magic and shatter it."

"No, it's too risky. They are too strong for your normal spell. You'd have to use all your magic and use your whole body to make that work." Gray argued.

"Juvia knows."

"No! We are not doing that! We will find another way!" Gray barked. "There has to be-"

"Gray!" Juvia suddenly exclaimed.

She shoved him out of the way, saving him from being hit by a deadly spell cast by the enemy.

It felt like time slowed as he was forced to watch as Juvia fell to the cold harsh ground. He saw that she was in so much pain, but smiled just for him.

Gray raced to her side, not caring about the next attack or what the enemy was doing anymore. He just needed to get to her and somehow save her like he couldn't last time.

"Juvia! Hang on! You have to hang on. We're going to save you, and you'll be back to your old self again. You just have to hang on." Gray begged as he cradled her in his arms.

"It...won't work." Juvia muttered weakly.

"No, it will work! It has to! You just have to hold on!" Gray exclaimed.

Juvia shook her head as tears appeared in her eyes.

"Goodbye, Gray darling." Juvia whispered.

Then her eyes closed and her whole body when limp in his arms.

"No, no, no! This can't happen again...Juvia...wake up..." Gray cried. "Juvia!"

Gray's eyes shot open and he sat up in a cold sweat to find that he was in his bed. He sighed heavily and tried to brush his bangs out of his face.

"Another one." Gray grumbled to himself.

He got out of his bed and went towards the window of his room. Just staring out into the darkness as his mind wondered to the blue haired water mage. He tried to focus on the times when she smiled or happily tried to catch his attention, but his mind wouldn't stop replying those horrible events.

Recently, Gray had been having nightmares about the time she sacrificed her life for him during the war with Zefer. It nearly broke him even more than he already was. He couldn't stand to lose someone else he cared about. Someone he loved.

Even if she didn't know it, he had grown more than fond of her and her crazy antics. Which was why these dreams bothered him so much.

Gray dropped his gaze from the window to his shaky hands. He tried to calm himself and breath, but his room suddenly felt suffocating. He needed to get out.

My Fairy Tail one shots (still on going)Where stories live. Discover now