Amplified love- Nalu (part 1)

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The sun was being it to set over the town of Magnolia and the duo of Natsu and Happy were on their way home. Happy flew a ahead munching on a raw fish while Natsu walked along with his arms behind his head.

They didn't chat munch as they went. Even if they both enjoyed the guild and it's noisiness, it was nice to have some quiet time every once in a while. At least until someone called out to them.

"Natsu? Natsu! There you are. Hey! Wait up! Wait for me!"

The voice was unfamiliar to them, but Natsu stopped and turned around to see a girl running up to them. She was about his age, he guessed, but she looked a lot like Lisanna. Which really weirded him out.

The girl stopped in front of them and took a moment to catch her breath before smiling brightly at him.

"Natsu! I'm so glad I found you." The girl beamed.

"Um...who are you?" Natsu asked.

"And why do you look like Lisanna?" Happy added in confusion.

"Oh, right. I can't believe I forgot to introduce myself. I guess, I know you so well, I forgot you don't know much about me." The girl giggled.

Happy and Natsu exchanged a confused and concerned look. Just who was this girl and how did she know him? Because he would certainly remember a Lisanna look a like if he ever came across her.

"My name is Elizabeth, but you can call me Liz to help with the transition." The girl remarked as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

Natsu and Happy stared back at her, unsure what to say and what she meant with all of this. Because to them none of it made any sense.

"Transition to what?" Natsu finally questioned.

Elizabeth smiled brightly, more than happy to explain her long awaited plan.

"For me to be Fairy Tail's new Lisanna." Elizabeth answered happily. "I know she died a few years ago, and you were really sad to lose the one you love. And I love you so much! So it really hurt me to think of you being so sad. You're just so amazing and heroic and fun and dreamy. Oh so dreamy! So, I just thought I could be her and we could love each other instead. I worked really hard to match Lisanna's hair and eye color and I learned all I could about her. I could be Lisanna's twin at this point. So, what do you think?"

Elizabeth struck a pose, expected to wow Natsu with her efforts and new appearance. But before Natsu or Happy could even think of a reply to this crazy situation, Elizabeth jumped forward with even more information.

"Look, look, I even learned some of her magic!" Elizabeth grinned.

She squeezed her eyes shut and was momentarily covered by a puff of smoke. When the smoke cleared she had pink bunny ears atop her head, striped orange cat paws instead of hands, and a green dog tail.

"See! I'm exactly like her! Now, we can be together!" Elizabeth cheered.

Natsu and happy exchanged weary, uncomfortable look before turning back to the overjoyed girl. There was so much to unpack that it was hard to tell where to start.

"Well...we don't know how to tell you this...but.." Happy began.

"Lisanna never really died." Natsu finished for him.

Elizabeth stumbled back in shock at this news. It wasn't possible! She heard it with her own ears. It couldn't be true.

"What? But...but I heard-"

"We all thought that she died. But it turns out she was just pulled into another world. But now she's back at Fairy Tail." Natsu explained.

Elizabeth's happy mood and transformation spell faded at this news. All that, preparation, hard work and time was wasted. If she couldn't be Lisanna anymore, then there was no chance that she could really be with him. Not if she was still in the picture. It was hopeless.

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