Chapter 9

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Eda was laying on her couch with the following, 5 tubs of ice cream, 4 mostly empty bottles of vodka.. Which.. Were completely full 4 hours ago, her kitten Luna laying on her lap, and finally a spoon.. A fucking spoon. 

This is what her friends called, her ice cream depression.  Eda had many reasons for this, not very good reasons but reasons non the less. Suddenly her phone started ringing, eda looked at the caller I'd, and saw it was her now ex girlfriend Vivian. Eda sighed, and kicked her phone off the couch, and the Ed the vine up on the TV where she was watching hallmark channel and zombie bride movies.  

Eda started thinking of a week ago, when she broke things off. 

She was handing in her resignation letter to Vivian. "Uhm.. Here" eda mutter. Vivian looked eda up and down, then at the letter and read it. "Your quitting!?" Vivian asked.  Eda nodded, averting her gaze from Vivian. "I.. I don't want to work here anymore.. I-im.. Gonna choose a different career.. " eda said. Vivian scowled. "Damnit edalyn! Why do you always mess things up!?" Vivian asked.  "Just get out" Vivian sighed. Eda started to leave, but before she opened the door, she thought of Raine, and made a last minute decision. "And.. And.. I.. I wanna break up" eda said.   Vivian stood there for a second then smirked.

Vivian slowly started walking up to eda, which made eda try and back away, but remembered the door when she bumped I to it. Vivian grabbed her face, with a devilish smirk. "Is that right? Hm.. What a shame"   edas breath caught, as her heart pounded.  Vivian's glare was terrifying, then eda pounded on the door.  The door swung open and eda fell backwards. 

Luckily Raine caught her, because eda asked them to come with her, and wait for her outside the door.   Raine helped eda get her balance, and kept her behind them.  "Ah, thats why.. How devious of you edalyn, you fell for a tube of toothpaste with glasses"  Vivian mocked.  
Raine scoffed and turned their attention to eda. "Are you hurt, princess?" They asked.   Eda blushed, and shook her head. "N-no.. I'm not hurt" she answered in a hushed tone.  Raine smiled, holding her cheek, then brushing her hair behind her ear. "Good.. You go on, I'm be right there" Raine said, and let her go. 

Eda immediately left. She didn't run but you could tell she was in a hurry to leave.   Raine turned to Vivian and tossed one of the heroin patches to Vivian. Raine and just taken it off edas shirt before gesturing her to the door. "Keep your shit off her" they demanded in a calm tone, then followed eda out. Then Esmeralda came and handed Vivian a resignation letter. "Have the day you fucking deserve, bitch" Esmeralda scoffed, and left in style. 

Now here eda was, not depressed because she's single now, but because she's eda and was bound to do this eventually.  Before she knew it, all her friends immediately burst into her house, startling Luna, and eda. "Alright! Nope! Where not doing this day" noa said. Eda groaned then noticed they were all a little dressed up. "Why are you guys dressed up?" She asked. "Were going out! Your coming with us!" Esmeralda beamed. "Exactly, your not going to lay around in this.. Depressing mess"     Lilith said and pulled eda up. "Nooooo! I don't want to go anywhere"  eda complained.    "You look like depression threw up on you, get up" Darius demanded. Eda threw her spoon at Edward's head. "Ow! What did I do!?" He asked. "Because your head is big as hell!!"  Eda yelled. "Fuck you! Your is so big it has a moon!"  Edward yelled. "Bitch you monody! Got more head than you have body!" Eda yelled.  Darius started laughing, while noa  and Esmeralda were snickering. "You two cut it out! Eda, go get ready, Edward shut the fuck up" Lilith instructed.

Eda groaned and left. About 30 minutes later, Raine showed up. "Sorry! Theres a lot of people out.. And I kinda over slept- wait.. Wheres eda?"   Raine asked. "Shes still getting ready!" Esmeralda said. As if eda was summoned by her name, she came out. "No.. I'm done" she muttered.
She had on a black top that was long sleeve and went off her shoulders, a bold red skirt, and black thigh high boots. Raine was an absolute mess, they were blushing like crazy.   "Woah.. Eda, you look beautiful" they muttered.   Eda looked down, starting to blush a little to.  "Nope! Were not turning this into an cheesy rom com" noa said, and pushed everyone the door.  

They went out to  the public park during the late evening, as it was quieter and not a lot of people would be there.  As they were all talking, eda kept having the feeling she was being watched, so she stayed close to her siblings.  "Edward, I'm talking about an oral doctor" Lilith, as she and Edward have been arguing about the subject of the conversation. "Yeah I know, a sex doctor" Edward scoffed.  Lilith face plamed.     "No Edward! A dentist!  I mean a professional of oral HYGIENE" Lilith snapped.  Edward  stood there and processed what Lilith just said. "Oh- why didn't you say a Dentist-" he asked.  

In the background, someone said. "Dumbass"  the 3 siblings looked in the direction of the voice, and saw Vivian.  "Hey! Watch it, dont speak that way about our brother" Lilith said. Eda got scared and guided her siblings away. "No stop! Lily.. Eddie.. Dont, it's not worth it"  eda pleaded. "Hello edalyn, couldn't get enough of me? Had to come crawling back?" Vivian mocked. Eda frowned. "Funny." Eda muttered in an annoying voice. "What? What other reason would you have to dress like that?' Vivian asked with a smirk. "Fuck off Vivian.. " eda said.

Vivian walked up on Ed and glared at her. "What the hell did you just say to me?" She asked. "I said fuck off! Just because I deal with your bullshit doesn't mean you can insult my brother!" Eda argued.    Everyone was shocked eda had actually spoken out, they all knew eda was afraid of Vivian.  Including Vivian. "Say that again, I dare you" Vivian threatened.      "! Or my sister! You can't insult any of my friends!  Just because I don't kick your ass, doesn't mean I can't"   eda threatened.   Noa and Esmeralda were in the background snickering. "Ooo.. Drama" Esmeralda cooed.   "Is that right? You don't remember all those times you were on the floor crying?" Vivian said, and grabbed her face, glaring at her.   Darius and Edward were about to do something, but Lilith stopped them. "Dont. She can deal with this"  Lilith whispered.

Edas eyes widened, as her breath caught from fear. Vivian was smirking at her knowing she was scaring eda. Eda had a stern expression, and pushed Vivian's hand away.  "Dont touch me" eda muttered. "Awh, why not? You used to beg for me to touch you" Vivian mocked.   Eda looked down then at Vivian. "We broke up..dont.touch me" eda said, her voice was low, and you could still hear she was scared, but all her friends were proud of her. "Yeah, because your a weak little bitch" Vivian scoffed.

One thing about eda.. She hated feeling or being called weak.  "We broke up, because your a good for nothing! Toxic! HORNY PIECE OF SHIT! SO SIT THE FUCK DOWN AND DO WHAT I TOLD YOU!.. Fuck off, and die while your at it" eda said, then sighed. "And keep your heroin patches off me" eda said, then walked away. While she was walking away, she took Raine with her deeper in the park. Noa and Esmeralda were off their rocker loosing their minds laughing and cheering.  Lilith, and Darius were unspeakably proud of her. And Edward watched as Vivian indeed sat down.  "There she is..thats eda right there" Darius said with a smile. Lilith nodded. "Shell be okay..darius.. S-shell actually be okay" Lilith said, in a relived tone.

Meanwhile, eda had taken Raine into a deep part of the park, with many trees, and sat down under one of them, her legs to her chest resting her chin on her arms.  Raine watched her, and sat next to her.  They looked at her for a little bit, before saying. "I'm proud of you"  eda looked at them, and chuckled softly. "Thanks.. I-.. I don't know what came over me, i just go so upset" eda sighed. "Well, you looked amazing, honestly it's so amazing you stood up for yourself like that" Raine praised.  

Eda blushed and sat up, folding her legs half way. "Thanks..its because of you.. Youve made me feel so much better about myself" eda said, and took their hands. Their fingers intertwined. "Your welcome.. Honestly.. Your far to beautiful to feel so bad about yourself, Hermosa.. El sol está celoso de tu belleza" they said, with pure love in their eyes. Eda was taken aback, her cheeks burning red. "Woah.. Y-you speak spanish?" She asked. "Mhm, fluently, do you?" Raine asked. "N-no.. Not a word"  eda muttered.  Raine giggled.

They looked in her eyes, and held her cheek. " deserve all the happiness in the world, and I'm gonna give it to you" they promised. Both of them were leaning closer, as eda whispered. "Id.. Like that"

They pressed their foreheads together, Raine now holding her waist, and edas hand on their cheek. "Raine.. Your to kind for this world" eda said. "Your so beautiful.. " they responded.

Their lips were brushing up against eathotThers, while they were smiling and blushing. They both wanted to, so what was stopping them?  Eda put her hand on their chest, and slowly pushed them back, as she leaned back.  She looked at them, biting her lip. "Sorry..." She muttered.eda butried her face in their neck, while Raine kept her close, and both of them sat there together untill fthey decided to home.

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