Chapter 4

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It was the first time eda had to film one of the horrid videos she'd been talked into.  The set they were on, eda was shirt lesson a lacy bra and forced to wear and mini skirt.   A random man, who looked twice her age was standing over her, eda was doing her best to act, but it was clear she was struggling.   It was a sort of teen girl fucking the mail man sort of trope eda was being forced to act out.    The man, started touching her thighs, which only made eda more uncomfortable.  

Then he started getting on top of her. Eda screamed, kicked the man in the balls and ran off. Vivian looked annoyed as the camera crew gave eda weird looks. Vivian chuckled nervously. "Give me on second" she said, and went to find eda.    Eda was in back room fighting the erge to cry, when she heard Vivian walk in. "V-viva please i-"  before eda could finish, Vivian hit eda across the face and knocked her Down.   "You selfish piece of shit!!" Vivian yelled, then grabbed eda by her hair, and pulled her hard. "O-ow! Vivian please! I-im sorry!" Eda cried. "Who do you belong to!?"  Vivian asked. "Y-you!.. I-i belong to you!" Eda said, as she tried to get some type of relief from the pain. "What are you!?"  Vivian asked. "Worthless.. I-im worthless.. " eda said, ad she have up and started crying. "And what can I do to you?" Vivian asked with a  smirk. "Whatever you want.. Vivian.. " eda whimpered. 

Vivian then dragged eda out, and threw her towards the bed on set, which was witnessed by Esmeralda. "From the top! I want this video flawless!" Vivian demanded. Esmeralda looked at the tears in edas eyes, then at vivian. "WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU CAN TREAT HER LIKE THAT!?"  Esmeralda yelled.  "She's not some fucking doll you can use whenever you want!! She's your girlfriend! Your supposed to take care of her!" Esmeralda argued.   Eda looked up shocked, because bashed never seen Esmeralda get that upset.   Vivian scoffed. "She's fine, mind your own damn business" Vivian shot back.  Esmeralda went over to eda and gestured her to the dressing rooms. "No more recording! She's not doing it" Esmeralda told the camera man.  "Look toots, I'm not leaving without my footage, and she was perfect"   he said. "Fine then, you have two options, either use me or leave empty handed, either way she's not doing it" Esmeralda said in a stern tone.  The camera man sighed. "Fine, just sign a few consent forms"  he said.  

Meanwhile eda had changed her clothes, grabbed her things and left.  She didn't have a plan, and she wasn't even thinking clearly, so she was just running away.  Eda then found herself in the woods, a familiar place in the woods.

The whole situation was overwhelming, she knew Vivian would be furious, Esmeralda was upset and now eda was running away like a coward.  She started crying, then accidentally gave herself a panic attack.  She's had a panic attack before sand you won't be surprised it was because of Vivian.
Eda was on her hands and knees, crying and panting, and gasping for air.
I can't breath.. Can't breathe.. Can't breath.. Can't breath..

This really only made eda panic more, and suddenly she heard twigs snapping.  Eda panicked further believing it was her girlfriend. Someone was now standing over her.  "Hey.. It's okay I'm not going to hurt you" a voice said.  Eda looked up, and saw Raine.  They kneeled down in front of her, recognizing the panic attack. "Your okay.." They whispered to her.  Eda was trying her best to gain control of her breathing but it wasn't working.  Raine noticed this, and sat next to her, then held her close.

Eda felt their warm embrace, and started to calm down. "Just keep breathing, I promise you'll be okay" they assured her.  Eda whined, and cuddled into them   Raine rubbed her back, and kept her close. After about an hour they asked. "How's your breathing?" They asked her in a hushed tone. Eda couldn't respond, she just nodded and hoped they'd understand.  Raine sort of understood. "Do you want to talk about it?" They asked. Eda stayed quiet for a second, and backed up a little. "I-i.. I let Vivian down.. "  eda muttered, then started crying. "Vivian?.. Your girlfriend right?" Raine asked. "Mhm.. And i-i let her down.. I- I couldn't do it!.. I just got so scared.. And.. I-i I chickened out! She's probably so mad at me.. " eda cried, as tears streamed down his face. 

Raine cleared her eyes, giving her a sympathetic look. "Don't say that, it can't be that bad..just tell me what happened" Raine said, and brushed her hair back.  Eda nodded, and just started rambling about the whole situation in between tears.  Raine didn't really understand most of what she was saying, and was really just trying to get her to calm down.   Eda again just started breaking down. This was long over due. Raine wasn't sure how to help her, so they just held her and let her cry.

After another hour, eda and completely fallen asleep.  Raine now wasn't sure what to do. She was on top of them, it was dark out and they had no idea how to get her home.  They looked down at her, and saw how peaceful nahe looked while sleeping. They smiled, blushing a little bit. "Wow.. She's so pretty" they said, then, slowly pick her up bridle style so they can find a way to get her home.  As they started walking, a car pulled up in front of them. Raine immediately got nurvous. 

Darius stepped out the car and looked Raine up and down. "Excuse me, what the hell are you doing? Do you know her?" He asked. "Uhm.. Well.. Sort of, yeah, I was just trying to take her home" Raine explained. "What happened? Is she hurt?" Darius asked. "No, no she isn't hurt, but.. I found her having a panic attack"  Raine explained. "Damn.. Alright, uhm.. What's your name?" Darius asked. "Raine.. Raine whispers" they responded. "Alright-" Darius stopped, and noticed something dangling off edas shirt.

Darius put on some gloves, and grabbed it. "What's that?" Raine asked. "No idea.. But what were not gonna do, is this hallmark channel bullshit" Darius scoffed. "Eda! Wake up! Your not sleeping beauty!" Darius yelled, and snapped his fingers a few times. Eda started to wake up, but hurried her face in Raines chest. "5 more minutes.. " she muttered. "No, bitch, wake up" Darius demanded. Eda groaned, and rubbed her eyes. "What's going on?.."  She asked in a tired voice, then looked up.

Eda saw Raine, and realized they were holding her.  She started blushing hard, and couldn't keep her eyes off them.   "uhh.. Hi" eda muttered.   Raine smiled a little bit. "Hey.." They responded.   Darius  put the strange little pouch he found on eda in a small plastic bag, and listened as eda rambled.  "Uh.. Y-your.. Really strong, l-like really strong.. Uhm, c-can you put me down?.. Please.. " eda rambled.  "Sure, don't worry" Raine assured. Raine slowly put her down, and didn't let her go untill eda caught her balance.   "Thank you..Raine" eda mumbled. Darius looked eda up and down then shook his head, remembering the way she acted when she got nurvous.

She wasn't as confident, she rambled a lot, she turned quiet.   "Eda do you know what this is?" Darius asked, as  they held up the plastic bag with the pouch inside.  "Uh.. No, actually I dont" eda answered.  "Alright.. Well go home, and rest, I don't mean watch zombie bride movies while stuffing your face with ice cream and liquor, I mean go to sleep" Darius instructed.  Eda scoffed and folded her arms. Darius drove off and leaving eda to hear a small snicker from Raine.   She blushed, and avoided looking at them. "T-thank you.. For helping me" eda said. "It's no problem.. I have panic attacks sometimes.. But.. For the record.. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself" they said with a smile.

Eda looked back at them, and smiled. "Thank you.. I.. I need to hear that"   eda admitted, and went on her way.

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