Chapter 7

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A hill Top with a cherry blossom tree, and Chery blossom pedals falling around eda. Eda looked up, then on both sides of the hill. At the bottom, both sides, we're Raine, and Vivian. Eda looked at both of them. She started walking towards Vivian, she was her girlfriend after all. Vivian's smirk was apparent, eda hesitated but took Vivian's hand. Eda felt cold, and alone but bared it as the world around her turned dark.

Eda woke up slowly, and sat up. "Good morning princess" she heard. Eda looked over and saw Raine cooking. "W-what did you call me?" Eda asked. "Princess. Why, you don't like it?? " they asked with a playful tone. "I-i.. don't hate it.. Uhm.. Why..?" Eda asked. "Because you look like you only survive off the liquor in your fridge" Raine joked, although that was the truth, she survived off the liquor in her fridge. Eda blushed and brushed her hair behind her ear.

She was still party going through with draw symptoms, as her vision was slightly impaired. Her head with spinning and throbbing. Raine noticed her discomfort, and went to her. "Hey.. Hey, are you okay?" They asked. "Y-yes.. I' okay did you sleep over?" Eda asked. "Well.. No, I left kinda late since you fell asleep, but I came back Early so you wouldn't wake up alone" they explained. Eda started blushing at the simple care Raine was showing. "Raine.. Thank you, that's so sweet" she said with a smile as the pick hue in her cheeks spread. Raine chuckled, and went back to the kitchen. "It's no problem at all, honestly I enjoy your company" Raine said, then got out a plate. "How much do you want?" Raine asked. "J-just.. A little I don't eat much" eda answered bashfully when she realized she basically doesn't eat.

Raine put food on her plate, and gave it to her, then got some themselves. They ate together on the couch in silence, but it wasn't awkward. Eda enjoyed what they made, especially since she can't cook for shit. When they finished, eda looked around for her phone but could find it. "Uhm.. Raine have you seen my phone?" She asked. "Uh.. Y-yes, but you can't have it untill your better" Raine muttered. "Look I'm fine! Can I have it now?" Eda asked. "Say the first thing that comes to mind" Raine said. "Vivian, now gimme" eda demanded. "No.. Sorry princess, I can't give it to you until your sister says it's alright" Raine said in a sympathetic tone. Eda got annoyed, and tried to take her phone from them. "Give it back!" She demanded. Raine doged her hand, and chuckled a bit. "Eda il have to put you in air jail if you don't calm down" they teased. "Fuck you!! Give me my phone!" Eda yelled.

Raine smirked, and picked her up, putting her phone in their back pocket.  Eda kept reaching for her phone while blushing furiously. "Raaaaine!!!! You prick! Gimme my phone!" Eda yelled. Raine couldn't help but laugh.  "No, princess" they teased.  Eda blushed harder, and simply gave up. "Prick.. " she muttered. Raine chuckled, and looked at her face, noticing her red face. "How do you feel?" They asked. Eda stopped, all the withdraw symptoms stopped, and she was smiling. "Good.. Actually.. A lot better than usual" she answered.  Raine smiled at her answer, and out her down. "That's great! I'm so glad, but if you don't mind me asking, how do you usually feel?" They asked.

Eda had never been asked this before, not in the way Raine says it. She felt like she could tell them absolutely everything, and she wanted to, but.. She felt as if, something was off. So she simply answered their question with as little detail as possible. "I-i guess I'm fine.. But,i always feel a little dizzy, especially after work"  eda muttered. "Where do you work?" Raine asked. "Ah.. Uhm.. Don't.. Like freak out, but I'm an exotic dancer.." Eda admitted. Raine was taken aback, then slowly imagined eda on a pole, and definitely didn't hate the idea.  "Oh? That's.. A lot of moving around isn't it?" They asked in a sort of playful tone, that made eda chuckle. "Yeah.. It is... But.. Recently iv been..sort of in a corner" she admitted.

Raine noticed she was opening up to them, so they led her to the couch to sit down. "Tell me about it, princess" they said with their kind gentle smile. "You see..vivians.. Been asking me to do.. Other things.. That I'm not entirely comfortable with, but.. I don't want to let her down.. " eda said, ad she started feeling guilty. "Eda.. If your not comfortable, then tell her that.. If she really loves you, she won't make you do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe" Raine explained, while holding her chin.  "I.. I have.. But she said that
. If I loved her I'd do it.. So.. I-im thinking about it.. But I'm really scared.. " eda muttered. Raine gave eda a serious look, and took her hands. "Listen to me, she shouldn't make you or manipulate you into doing something your not comfortable with.. That's not healthy" they explained.

Eda slowly started breaking as she hugged them tight. "I.. I can't.. Raine.. Please.. I'm so scared.. But.. I couldn't bare to loose her.. " she cried.  Raine held her close, unsure of how to help her at this point.  So they pulled her into their lap, and simply let her cry untill she felt better. Eda's never had that luxury before and she grew to appreciate but once she heard their comforting tone.

Meanwhile, Lilith was running a few arrands, when she started feeling in easy. Lilith was a calm, collected, very intelligent individual, so her poker face was splendid.  She felt like she was being  watched, but kept on with her business as not to be detected even more.  As you would have guessed, Lilith was at a book store, she looked at a free book covers, and actually found one she might buy, but the air around her changed. The once cool air of the bookstore turned into slighty humid, and that's when she knew to turn around. 

As Lilith looked behind her, she saw Vivian glaring at her, Lilith was a little startled, but she didn't let that show. "Vivian.. Was it? What do you need?" Lilith asked. "Your sister isn't answering my phone, and IV been trying to reach her for three days" Vivian scowled. "My, sounds like a personal problem"  Lilith said, and looked at another book cover.   "Don't play games with me! Where the fuck is your sister!?" Vivian asked in a demanding tone. "My sisters whereabouts are taken care of, but let's be honest here, you know you don't truly care for her, do you?" Lilith asked. Vivian knew lilith, well.. What eda has said about her.   "Of course I care for her, who do you think you are!?" Vivian lied.  Lilith folded her arms, looking at Vivian with an unimpressed expression. "Your lying is appalling, you can't even say the word" Lilith scoffed.  Vivian was getting aggravated, but knew she couldn't touch Lilith, to public, and Vivian knew about Edwards occupation.

Lilith stood firm, then said. "Spare my your facade, you don't love my sister and you know it, now what in the bloody hell makes you think is tell you where she is? " Lilith asked. Vivian's patients was wearing thin, and liliths choice of speech wasn't helping.  "Because.. If you don't, I will have no problem making sure your sister never sees her precious little friends.. Ever. Again" Vivian threatened. "Your insane" Lilith muttered, trying her best to stay calm, but when her little sister is being threatened, it's a lot harder to stay calm.
Vivian smirked. "That's what I love to see, fear. I see it in your sister all the time, fear when I'm on her when I have her, on a bed with 2 men at list currently, but who knows, you know how pretty she is, many more with want her, I see the fear in her eyes when I make her crave me, she won't go 4 hours without calling me during that time, so when she goes 3 days, without even a text, I know you and her good for nothing friend have done something! Now what is it!?" Vivian's asked.

Lilith didn't know how to respond. "W-what are you doing to her!?.." Lilith asked, she could no longer be calm and collected. "Whatever. The fuck. I want. And there's nothing you can do to stop me.. Because at the end of the day, you know what she tells me every night? Every time she leaves work? Every time I make her leave me alone?" Vivian asked.  suddenly Lilith phone started ringing.


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