A fun way to show off a girly boy doing the laundry to his unsuspecting Mum

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Lucy has several boys of various ages, now dressing up and playing dollies and of course acting as housemaids to lots of ladies who love seeing them in pretty aprons over skirts or frocks.  Some of their Mums like Brian's knew, about their girly sons and giggled at them playing ballerina with the Complements game and of course Fun Laundry and Fun Football in pretty aprons but others were dressed up without their Mums realizing their macho boy has been trapped and away from home was having to dress  up  and play dollies and other girly games!  The boys are sent home dressed as a boy but usually have something girly underneath, especially a nighty, sometimes over an unpadded or training bra and panties or even nappies and baby plastics for bed times.  

His Mum assumes her boy has been playing football and is the same macho male chauvinist boy who won't help with washing up or housework nor wear pretty aprons and especially refuse to help with any kind of laundry.  However with Lucy and other girls and ladies he's having to be a sweet housemaid and play dollies and lots of girly games and of course the Complements game bobbing curtsies and doing pirouettes to lots of laughter.  He's of course begging the girls and ladies not to tell his Mum and if he has one his sister about his girly actions.   Sometimes word leaks out and the Mum finds out with various reactions from annoyance that they have girlified their macho boys but in most cases they screech and have a laugh at their boy completely transformed into a daughter. 

However sooner or later Lucy was going to expose the boy to his unexpecting Mum Claire who is invited for a shopping trip with a female neighbor June who says "My niece is after a new skirt or  frock and maybe a handbag and possibly some lingerie as his Mum says "Someone's a lucky girl!" adding "Is it her birthday?" but is told "Sissilia or Sissy as she prefers to be called, used to be a bit of a Tom boy who hated skirts and dresses and preferred playing football with the boys!" adding "In her silly trousers!" as his Mum laughed "I knew a few Tom boys at school and thought they were silly not liking to play dollies and dress up and instead wanting to play football and often wearing trousers!" as they both laughed as June said "She is just starting to realize how much fun pretty skirts and dresses are and so is looking forward to a fun girly shopping trip with her Mummy and us!" as his Mum laughed.

His Mum asked "Is it ok for me to join her on her shopping trip?" as June laughed and nodded "She'll love it!" as she gets her shopping basket, shopping bags and handbag and joins the neighbor in the front door and is taken into the living room, where she sees a teenage girl and introduced "This is Lucy who is joining us!" as Lucy said "Hi!  I hear you are joining us shopping to help her Mummy kit Sissy out with a nice girly wardrobe!" as his Mum laughed "I hear she used to be a bit of a Tom boy, playing football with the boys instead of playing dollies and dress up and stuff!" as Lucy said "I hope you'll tell her how much fun dollies and dress up can be, remembering when you were a little girl!" as his Mum laughed "I'll enjoy going girly shopping as I've only a boy and find shopping for his stuff a bit boring!" to laughter and giggles.

His Mum asked "What age is your niece?" as June smiled and pointed out the window and said "There she is there!" as his Mum saw a thirteen year old teenage girl in pretty aprons and long blonde hair, wheeling a dolls pram around the garden and laughed "Isn't she a bit old for dollies?" as Lucy laughed "I've been trying to teach her to play dollies and other girly games, as she wasn't used to it, playing football for so many years with the boys!" as his Mum laughed and heard Lucy add "She's having fun playing ballet too!  I've suggested her Mummy could even take her along to ballerina lessons to help improve her curtsies and pirouettes!"   Lucy laughed "She's still got a bit of Tom boy in her and gasps at the thought of maybe playing ballerina in a tutu!" 

Complements Game and Fun Laundry and Fun Football for Girls & Ladies- May06Where stories live. Discover now