chapter 3 truck Kun who?

Start from the beginning

Tanaka, with a mix of worry and amusement, shook his head. "You and your crazy antics. Seriously, be careful, sis."
Tamako tousled Tanaka's hair affectionately. "Don't worry, Tanaka. I'm like a cat with nine lives. Now, what's for dinner?"Tanaka sighed, half exasperated and half fond. "You never change, do you, sis?"
Tanaka sighed, "You and your superhero fantasies. One day, Tamako, you'll push your luck too far."
Tamako, unfazed, grinned, "But where's the fun in playing it safe? Now, dinner, my loyal sidekick!"

Tanaka chuckled, shaking his head. As much as Tamako's antics drove him crazy, he couldn't deny the lively energy she brought to their home.

No one's pov

The dinner table was a lively scene, with Tamako, Tanaka, Mom, Dad, and little Taka all gathered around.
Tamako, with her scratched face, pointed at Tanaka, teasing, "Guess who had a near-brush with a truck today?"
Tanaka, rolling his eyes, retorted, "And guess who's going to give Mom a heart attack one day?"
Mom, serving dinner, chimed in, "Can we please have a normal day for once?"
Dad, trying to lighten the mood, added, "Well, at least we know Tamako's superhero training is paying off." "Yeah dad imma beat Superman one day"tamako said joining her dad,
Little Taka, oblivious to the chaos, gleefully mashed his food with his tiny hands, creating a delightful mess.Tamako, grabbing a napkin, winked at Tanaka, "Hey, every hero needs a bit of chaos, right?"The dinner continued with laughter, banter, and the chaos that seemed to be the trademark of the lively household.

Next morning 🌅
Tamako stumbled into the living room with her signature bed hair, sporting the look of someone who had just survived a minor apocalypse. She plopped down on the couch, contemplating the complexities of life.

Meanwhile, Tanaka was engrossed in a TV show, completely oblivious to the milk-spilling extravaganza Taka was orchestrating nearby

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Meanwhile, Tanaka was engrossed in a TV show, completely oblivious to the milk-spilling extravaganza Taka was orchestrating nearby.Tamako, observing the chaos unfolding, sighed dramatically. "Existential crisis level: expert. Tanaka, any chance you've got this under control?"Tanaka, not looking away from the TV, responded with a deadpan expression, "Oh, absolutely. This is a well-executed chaos management strategy."Taka, with a gleeful laugh, managed to spill even more milk.
Looking at Tanaka, who seemed engrossed in TV chaos with Taka, she asked, "Where is mom?"
Tanaka, not taking his eyes off the screen, casually replied, "Mom and dad went to visit Nana. Apparently, she's either ill or lost her dentures. I didn't catch all the details."
Tamako blinked, trying to process the information. "Ill or denture drama... got it. Typical family saga." She continued with the phone call, navigating through the complexities of familial adventures.

Tamako, after the brief and somewhat confusing conversation with her mom, hung up the phone. She turned to Tanaka, still fixated on the TV chaos with Taka."Nana drama, huh? Ill or dentures? Our family could star in a sitcom," Tamako remarked, shaking her head.

Tanaka, finally tearing himself away from the TV chaos and milk art extravaganza, glanced at Tamako who seemed to be lost in a daze on the couch."Hey,sis wipe the drool off your face. It's not a good look," Tanaka said with a smirk, handing her a tissue.Tamako, snapping out of her contemplative state, lazily wiped her face. "Mmm... food?" she mumbled, her mind still hovering between dreamland and reality.Tanaka rolled his eyes, "Yes, food. You know, that thing we consume to survive. Go eat something before you start considering existential questions again."
As Tamako wearily made her way towards the kitchen, her pendant unexpectedly started to glow with an eerie green light. Before she could comprehend what was happening, a pitch-black vortex materialized out of nowhere, enveloping the room.

The room trembled as the portal intensified its pull. Tamako, grasping her pendant, shouted above the chaos, "Hold on, everyone! This is either the weirdest dream ever or I'm going crazy !"With a sudden whoosh, the trio was completely swallowed by the dark abyss, leaving behind the remnants of their breakfast chaos and the familiar surroundings of their home. The unknown awaited them, and the siblings found themselves hurtling into a realm beyond their wildest imaginations.

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