Then there was a hallway.A red carpet was laid in the hallway.The hallway was filled with strange clocks and each had different units to show time. At the end of the hallway there was a humongous door with "Zutritt verboten" written on it . Before anything else could be explored , everything started flickering and changed into pixelated form and suddenly disappeared without a trace .

The scene shifts

3627 Essex Court,South Burlington ,Vermont , USA
16th January 1989 , 11pm

A man, naned Jones probably in his seventies was sleeping peacefully in his house .He lived alone in the house . His wife had died a year ago and the couple had been childless . He always felt lonely and always had a grumpy behaviour following his wife's death . So much that whenever he was out on streets people used to ridicule him by calling different names.

That day he had visited his wife's grave. He had no remaining will to live whatsoever . That night he had fallen asleep early ; earlier than usual . But instead of bed he was sleeping in the couch infront of a T.V .

All of a sudden some overlapping sounds filled whole of the neighbourhood . Not this sound , but what followed was even stranger . All the T.Vs in the neighbourhood irrespective of shut down or working started flickering and suddenly started displaying a flower field filled with rocks and flooded with moonlight .On one such rock , Jones was sitting; he was sobbing .

The people who were awake tried to change the channel or turn off the T

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The people who were awake tried to change the channel or turn off the T.V but in vain .The people tried to sleep but in vain .They were creeped out of their wits but couldn't do anything to prevent seeing what was happening .

Then Jones starts running through the flowerfield for some reason and stubles on a staircase made of flowers . For each step he climbed a new Jones got created and started walking with him . By the time he reached the top floor, 100 such Jones were there . Suddenly the scene changed to a city carnival with people walking the street enjoying themselves.....strangely everybody had a masque seemed more like a masquerade .

The original Jones walked upto a counter a stood there probably waiting for a ticket . All the 100 Jones stood behind him in a row . But suddenly a hooded man came running , stabbed the last Jones and disappeared . The last Jones stabbed the Jones in front of him and disappeared and soon the sequence reached upto the real Jones at the beginning of the line .Before The Jones behind could stab him , he ran away . The people taking part in the masque dropped their masks revealing themselves to be Jones too and started chasing the real Jones .Then an aeroplane dropped some leaflets everywhere on which it was written " The reality is the most unreal"

Jones wanted to escape and ran through Forests, oceans ,mountains ...the scenery changing every second . After that he started running through abstract and Pablo Picasso artworks , even passing through a creepy looking MonaLisa painting . At last he reached a sea beach .No one was there around except his wife who was seated on a rock . Tears dropped from his eyes as he ran to her and embraced her tight.....both became young ....reached their 40s then became young again....and then reverted back to normal . At this time the surrounding flickered and the surrounding completely whitened after which a black dot appeared which sucked the couple inside as they shrieked with pain and fear though they were smiling. Suddenly at this time all the T.Vs turned off .

Next morning the newspapers reported

" Essex street incident : Old man found dead with a smile on face . All the other residents admitted to hospital cause of having become psychotic"

Japan airlines Airbus A350-900
15th January 1989 , 4am

Steins woke up to a lady shrieking only to see that there were 4 such ladies.Everyone except him and John had multiple copies and the same ringing sound sound had filled the air . The people started eating some tablets which were simply falling from nowhere and started fighting each other . When Steins tried to hold 2 of them who had were going to place blows upon each other....; his hand passed through them they started flickering , broke into pixels and formed 2 more copies .

Suddenly then Steins could hear a rough , rather creepy , low pitche voice that sent chills down his spine started saying , " 30mins left .Their dreams shall be stolen. Ciao"


Keep guessing
1 - What do you think the other doors might be containing? But anyway if you happen to come across such a portal....would you enter it??
2-Would you like to live in a building covered in flowers??
3- What would Steins do ??(better keep this one to yourself and comment later what you had thought....  ^_^ )

Next chapter :  30 YEARS AGO

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Next chapter :  30 YEARS AGO...

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