[4] 30 YEARS AGO

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"There are 30mins left....there are thirty minutes left....there are 30mins left....their dreams shall be stolen....their dreams shall be stolen ....their dreams shall be stolen" These lines were echoing inside Steins' mind. Suddenly he noticed that the copies of some of the people had started disappearing, but he noticed the eyes of such people....they were blank.....as if the person had been through a trauma.

Aren't dreams the things that help us to keep moving ahead and define what we are? And imagine if those dreams never existed what would become of us? Something like that was happening to them but it was even darker.

Steins felt completely hopeless; he tried to wake up John but in vain; not able to do anything but watch their dreams and memories disappear. Steins also felt that he had been through such a hopeless situation before but couldn't remember. Out of desperation, he kept on shouting "I won't let you steal their dreams...NEVER!!!" and eventually passed out. The big house in the middle of nowhere, the big flower field and a big fire began flashing in his dreams; yes he passed out and was dreaming.

30 years ago

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30 years ago

A small island in the Pacific Ocean off the American coast
Lapis Lazuli island
14th January,1959, 9 pm

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Capital of Lapis Lazuli island

A-423, Street -Z5, Lakeside, Aquamarine City

A woman and her child (probably 6 years old)having blonde hair with blue eyes are in the kitchen. The woman is cooking while the kid is waiting at the table both for the food and his father. There seems to be a disappointed look on his face.

A loud knock is heard at the door. Hearing it the kid ran and opened the door knowing that it was his dad. He opens the door but doesn't wish him as he usually does. His mother comes and wishes him "Welcome back". But the father instantly notices the sad look on the child's countenance but doesn't say anything.

8 hours ago
Aquamarine City School, Aquamarine City, Hillside, 14th January 1959

A group of bullies surround the kid and start making fun of him saying "Here's that idiot who is not loved even by his parents . Ha ha ha". The boy calmly said, " No, they love me very much".They further said, " Are you kidding me? What places have you gone with your parents. Have you ever taken a stroll in the park with your father?".He got angry and shouted "That's not of your business, he has worked at the office so he isn't able to spare time ....he works hard for us....you don't know anything about me" and broke down sobbing. Before they could do anything more to him, his friend, Aden pulled him away from them and said "Time's up idiots....Next time you do this ....I will beat you to a pulp....I'm forgiving you this time". The bullies just scrambled away.

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