Chapter 2: He's my boss

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       The next day after work hours a heavy rain started to pour down, unfortunately for Alice, she didn't have a jacket with her and she was freezing up. She took quick steps to the underground parking lot and hurried to her car, and as if things couldn't get worse, she had a flat tire.
'how did this happen' she thought to herself. She tried calling for a mechanic but her phone signal was bad and she didn't know what else to do. As she was still thinking, a man dressed in a black suit walked up to her.
"Good day miss" he said
"Hi" she replied
"My boss would like you to ride with him"
'Boss? who does he mean' Alice asked herself and without much thought, she followed him seeing as she didn't have much of a choice. The man opened the back door for her and she got in, she turned to her side to thank the man who helped her but the words got stuck in her throat as she looked at the man beside her. He was handsome beyond words,
he was tall and well built, he had beautiful black eyes, a cute pointed nose, pink lips and a deadly aura, he was simply breath taking. He was none other than the CEO himself, Mr Black. She has only seen pictures of him but now that he was in front of her, she could feel her whole body shiver.
"S-s-sir" she stammered not daring to look at him for she has heard of how cold blooded he could be.
"Drive" he ordered the driver and the car drove out. During the ride, she could feel his intense gaze on her but she still didn't dare look at him. Seeing the fact that she was shivering, he took off his jacket and covered her shoulders with it, which took her by surprise.
"Thank you" she said in a barely audible voice still looking at the floor.
      After the ride was over, the driver stepped down and opened the door for Alice. She was about taking off the jacket when she was stopped by his voice.
"Why not return it tomorrow" he said keeping it short. She gave him a nod and thanked him before stepping down. He watched her as she made her way to her apartment before speaking to his assistant.
"Nicely done" he said
"Thank you sir".

       A little bit later, while Alice was making her dinner, she realized that she was out of eggs and decided to go buy some. She walked past the estate gates and was crossing the empty looking road, and that's when an out of control car came out of nowhere and knocked her off the road. The last thing she saw was a man dressed in black walking towards her before the darkness took over her.

    When Alice finally regained consciousness, she found herself to be in a strange environment, it seemed like she was in a Five star hotel room or something. As she was still observing the room, she noticed a man stand up from where he was sitting, walk towards her with his hands in his pockets. She couldn't deny the fact that he was really, really handsome, but come on she doesn't even know who he is. She got startled after realizing how close he was to her.

"W-who are you and why am I here?" She asked with fear evident in her voice.
"It's okay, relax... I was over speeding and I ran you over with my car, and you are In a hotel" he replied with a warm smile which was more of a wicked one
"So what's your name" he asked bringing Alice back to reality.
"Alice" was her short reply, avoiding eye contact.
"That's a really lovely name" he said as he starts leaning in closer to her which made her feel uneasy.
"Thanks, but I have to leave right now" she said as she got off the bed, but before she could take another step she felt him grab her wrist and pulled her back, pinning her down on the bed.
"W-what are you doing?" She asked with fear written on her face.
"It's late now, and you are not in good health, so why don't you spend the night here" he's said scanning her from head to toe admiring her body. She tried breaking free but he was too strong, making her efforts useless.
"N- no, i can't stay here, please" she said not changing the feared expression on her face.
"Alright, freshen up, join me for dinner, and I'll take you back" he said letting her go. Alice didn't want to know what he would do if she refused so she decided to listen and headed for the bathroom room.

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