"Simone. I promise you we're just friends. Spencer trusts me and I trust him when he is away. I remember getting jealous over someone in this group in particular". We all laughed and looked at Davita.

"Hey. I admit, Spencer was good-looking, but the man was fine not to have someone in his life. I knew how to stay in my line. Even when Liv was rude at times." Davita said.

"But that's all in the past." I reminded them.

"We know."

I went to refill my drink when I ran into Noah.

"Hey, Noah."

"Hi, Liv. Didn't mean to bother you, but I noticed your drink was low, so I took the liberty of getting you another one. Seltzer right?"

"Yeah. Thanks, Noah." I said to him taking a sip of the seltzer he brought me.


Me and Noah caught up and talked about our week and what we've been dealing with, not to mention our paper we have due next week.

A few minutes dizzy and I was almost feeling unconscious. Noah took me upstairs and we were alone. I could feel him kissing me and trying to seduce me as he took off my clothes when out of the blue, Simone found me.

"Liv? What the hell are you doing? Get away from her Noah?"

I couldn't hear a word Simone said.

"Liv? Olivia? Noah, what did you do to her?"

"I didn't do anything. We were just having a little fun until you broke in."

"She doesn't look like she was having fun. She's almost knocked out and you took advantage of her."

"No, I didn't." Noah said looking all innocent.

"We'll see what the cops have to say."

Noah stormed out of the room while Simone helped put my clothes back on and she helped me back to my apartment.

The next morning I woke up wondering how I ended up back in my apartment not knowing what happened last night.

"Hey, girl. How are you feeling?"

"I've been through worse. What the hell happened last night?"

"You were out of it Liv, but you're not going to believe how it happened."


"Noah tried to have sex with you while you were unconscious."

"What? Are you saying that he raped me? That doesn't make any sense. The last thing I remembered was me talking to him when he gave me another seltzer."

"No. He almost did, your bra and panties were still on when I entered the room. I think he may have drugged you Liv. We have to tell Spencer-" I cut Simone off.


"No?" Simone questioned my response.

"I can't risk Spencer getting in trouble for something that happened to me. He would put his hands on Noah if he found out what happened. We don't have any proof besides you coming in when he kissed while I was unconscious; it's his word against mine. Simone, you have to promise me you won't tell Spencer or anyone about this. Please."

"Okay, I won't tell anyone." Simone promised me.

End of Flashback

Tears were falling from my face as I told Spencer what happened that night and he was in disbelief that I was sexually assaulted.

"Liv? Is this true?" I nodded my head while Simone hugged me.

"Why didn't you tell me that Noah sexually assaulted you? But also, why would you lie saying that you cheated on me intentionally?"

"I was angry at you Spencer and looking back at it, I know it was a stupid thing to do and have you believed the worst. Also, Noah left GAU before we could do anything about it, but eventually me and Simone found him and he got punished for his actions; now he is in jail for sexual assault. But Spencer, think about it, Gianna was born towards the end of our senior year of college before we were married, and I had no reason to be upset with you. We were happy with each other and you're the only person I've had sex with. I promise you, Gianna is your daughter."

"Spencer. I was there with Liv that night, and she did not cheat on you. She was taken advantage of. Yes, she went about it the wrong way when it came to the paternity of the girls, but as she said, she just wanted to get back at you." Simone tells me.

"I understand Simone, but I just don't know what to think right now. I mean, Liv was sexually assaulted and I'm sorry that happened to her, but she never told me about it. But if I'm being honest, when Liv and I lost our baby before Gianna was born, I blamed myself for it and Liv wouldn't be able to have a successful pregnancy. And a part of me made me think that Gianna wasn't mine when Liv told me that just to mess with my head."

"Spencer, losing our baby hurts me to this very day, but it's no one's fault for the miscarriage."

"What about Kiara, Liv? You said you cheated on me while we were married. Was that another lie just to mess with my emotions?" Spencer asked with tears falling from his face.

"Spencer..." I said not able to control my emotions.
So the first half of the truth about Liv cheating on Spencer is out. Liv says Gianna was born while she and Spencer were in college. Will Spencer believe Liv or does he think he is lying? Did Liv cheat on Spencer while they were married and is it possible that Kiara is not Spencer's daughter? Please excuse any mistakes or grammar errors. Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

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