[2] A new guy in our campus...

45 12 6

Word count: 537

In Y/n's house

Y/n's Pov:

I woke up as the bright rays of sunshine hit my face which made my eyes to squint. "Waking up in a pleasant atmosphere, birds chirping and lashing of cold yet warm Breeze doesn't mean I live a peaceful life. And it doesn't mean I am being tortured by someone too." I thought and sighed to myself.

It's just my mindset never understands the fact that he had left me in the cruel world alone. Even when I know he is living somewhere in this huge city. I still don't get a opportunity to meet him. Is this how cruel God made this world? I really hate the god for making my life miserable. But once again it's not his fault that this beautiful world has turned farcical.

I didn't realise I was in deep introspection until I heard my mom shrieking from the downstairs. I began to act as if I was asleep but again I heard the same voice getting closer towards to me. "I know you're awake. Get ready before I whoop your ass." With that she walked out of the room making me groan in annoyance.

Do I really have to go to the uni? I know I'm the topper. But that doesn't mean I like to attend the classes regularly.

Anyways I walked inside striping of my clothes and jumped into the shower. The shower water poured as a perfect rain, warm and steady, awakening my skin in all right ways.
As I came out of the shower I took a dress from the closet that was perfect for the gloomy day of mine. 

I went downstairs and left the house before waving a goodbye to my mom

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

I went downstairs and left the house before waving a goodbye to my mom. I can hear her demanding voice that bellowed from the kitchen. But I left the house totally not caring about her words.

In the University

I entered the hell also known as my college. I was a bit early, I guess. Even though I hate to attend classes, I'm not someone who comes late. Being late is really not my thing.

I went to my locker to grab some of my notes to head to the lecture. I saw a few rich girls who I call bullies were standing near my locker. It's not like I'm not rich. I just don't like people who exaggerate about their high status.

"Look who's here. It's the cheater, cheater compulsive eater girl." A girl from the gang whisper yelled which was quite audible to my ears. I didn't really care about them. I walked past them to reach my locker. That's when a girl probably one of them, ran to them while panting. She talked between her irregular breathe. "There... There is A NEW GUY IN OUR CAMPUS." That's it. The girls took out their makeup kit and checked their disgusting faces in their mirror. "Let's go girls. It's time to impress him." A girl whom I assumed to be the leader of the group said as the remaining girls followed her. Did I look like I care? Duh.

Hey guys..... I'm sorry. I know this a small chapter. I'll try to make it up to you.

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STAY TUNED💜❤️💜❤️.......

ILLICIT LOVE ~ K.S.J FF FT: BTSDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora