The Search Begins! (Part 5) The Final Search Comes To An End!

Start from the beginning

Furthermore, Xavier's training in Jiujitsu provides him with expertise in grappling and submission holds. He is skilled in joint locks, chokes, and takedowns, which allow him to neutralize opponents in close combat situations. Xavier's knowledge of Jiujitsu grants him the ability to seamlessly transition between offensive and defensive maneuvers, adapting to the ever-changing dynamics of the battle.

On the other hand, Akira's martial arts skills complement Xavier's abilities. As an acrobat with knowledge of Judo, she possesses exceptional agility, balance, and coordination. Akira's acrobatic prowess allows her to move swiftly and gracefully, evading her opponents' attacks with ease.

Akira's Judo training equips her with a deep understanding of leverage and body mechanics. She utilizes her opponents' momentum against them, executing flawless throws and sweeps that leave them vulnerable and unable to continue the fight. Akira's expertise in Judo also enables her to apply immobilizing holds and joint locks, effectively restraining her adversaries and neutralizing their threat.

Together, Xavier and Akira form a formidable team, combining their martial arts skills to protect Erica and counter the threats they face. Their synchronized movements, strategic thinking, and unwavering determination make them a force to be reckoned with.


With renewed determination, the rescue team intensified their efforts to bring an end to the hostage situation. They carefully strategized their approach, considering the safety of everyone involved.

"We can't let Tony get away with this. The kid sacrificed himself to save Erica. We won't let his sacrifice be in vain." Eric said.

"Eric, we're with you every step of the way. We'll make sure justice is served and that everyone gets out of this safely." Paul said back.

"The kid's bravery has shown us the strength we have as a united front. Let's use that strength to overcome this darkness." Gene said as he got ready for battle.

"Tony won't know what hit him. We'll bring him down and rescue everyone. We're in this together." Ace said too as he was ready to lend a hand.

As the rescue team prepared to confront Tony and bring an end to the hostage situation, their determination and unity served as a beacon of hope, shining through the darkest of times.

"So, how do we do this? Sneak out these police lines, I mean, Captain Noah will notice. Especially, Gene-" Paul's words were cut off as his gaze towards Gene, shocked him as Gene was gone.

"Wait a minute! Where's Gene!?" Eric yelled. Then, all of them saw that Gene was half way walking towards the unconscious Erica.

"Might as well, follow his lead but, we need a distraction." Paul said as he and Eric glanced towards Ace and Peter.

"What?" Peter asked. Ace was confused as well. Then, Paul explained to them about his plan and everyone agreed.


While both Ace and Peter were distracting Captain Noah, the rest of them sneak past the police lines. Paul, Eric, Bruce and Vinnie followed Gene from behind.

Just as they were about to leave, Tony appeared, picked Erica up and he noticed Gene.

"You thought you could outsmart me? Think again!" Tony yelled as this caught everyone's attention. "No!" Both Xavier and Akira yelled. As Erica slowly opened her eyes, she saw that she was held up by Tony and she started to cry out in fear.

"Ugh,..... this is why I hate kids!" Tony said as he placed the gun on Erica's head.


But, before Tony could make a move, Gene, with lightning speed, tackled him to the ground. With the combined strength of Eric, Paul, Gene, and Ace, they overpowered Tony.

"It's over, Tony. You won't harm anyone ever again." Eric said as Captain Noah and his team apprehended Tony and his friends.

Suddenly, both Xavier and Akira passed out due to they were injured badly.

"We have a wounded hostage. Secure the area and provide medical assistance to the kids. Let's move swiftly and neutralize the threat." Captain Noah yelled as the paramedics made swift actions.

"We're on it, Captain. The kids needs immediate medical attention. We'll do everything we can to stabilize them both." Alexander said.

Both Xavier and Akira were laid down on a stretcher as they were taken to the hospital by an ambulance.


Eric walked towards Tony as Tony was about to be sat down inside of the police car.

"Ugh,....I guess you can keep your money. You underrated drummer." Tony said. But, Eric just chuckled as his friends were behind him.

"You see, that's where you are wrong. Because I'm not just a drummer for the hottest band in the world. I am also a father with a daughter to protect!" Eric yelled as he punched Tony right in the face which caused his nose to be broken and started to bleed.

As Tony lay on the ground, nursing a swollen face, Eric Carr's friends gathered around him, their expressions a mix of shock and admiration. Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons, Ace Frehley, Peter Criss, Bruce Kulick, and Vinnie Vincent couldn't help but feel a surge of respect for Eric's fierce protectiveness and loyalty.

Paul Stanley broke the silence, his voice filled with a mix of pride and concern. "Eric, that was a bold move. You stood up for your daughter without hesitation. We're all impressed by your courage, but let's make sure you're okay too." Paul said.

Gene Simmons nodded, his eyes scanning Eric's face for any signs of injury. "Awesome man! You did what any loving parent would do in that situation. But we can't let this escalate any further. We need to let the authorities handle it from here." Gene said.

Ace Frehley chimed in, his voice filled with a mixture of admiration and caution. "Eric, you've always been the gentle soul in the band. It's incredible to see this side of you, but we also need to ensure your safety. Let's make sure we have your back every step of the way." Ace said.

Peter Criss, the original drummer of KISS, placed a comforting hand on Eric's shoulder. "Eric, you've shown us all how deep your love for your daughter runs. We're here for you, my friend. Plus, he's going to feel that tomorrow." Peter said as he and Ace started laughing.

Bruce Kulick, who had joined KISS after Eric's arrival, spoke up, his concern evident in his voice. "Eric, we're proud of you for standing up to that monster. But let's not forget that we're a team. We'll face this together, and justice will be served." Bruce said.

Vinnie Vincent, who had also been a member of KISS, added his support to the conversation. "Eric, you've reminded us all of the strength that lies within you. We'll make sure that your daughter is safe, and we'll do everything we can to bring this nightmare to an end." Vinnie said as he stood next to Eric.

Eric Carr, touched by the unwavering support of his bandmates, took a deep breath and nodded. "Thank you, guys. Your words mean more to me than you'll ever know. Let's work together, let the authorities handle this, and ensure that my daughter is safe. We're a family, and together, we'll overcome anything." Eric said


"Well, we'll meet you at the hospital, Eric!" Paul said. "Yeah! See you guys there!" Eric replied as he got on the ambulance together with his injured daughter.

To be continued

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