twenty - one . un-perminted; lawfully happy

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I walked into the room where my pebble and Pikachu wore cuddled seeing pebble shocked.

"Pebble you okay?" I asked comeing to hug him closely.

"That girl is my actual sister.." I said and gave me his phone to look at.

"Damn entranged families huh" danki Saif as we cuddled closely.

He nodded, "I can't belive mom hid it.."

"I agree" I sighed and played with his hair, "lets go to bed pebble, you need rest"

He nodded, and that was last I rmeaber

When we walked into class.. I instenly  saw the sensio  was back, and picked up danki going to our squde over.

"He just has to be back" Mina snared.

Seniso noticed and came over to us, "I want ro appol-"

"I want nothing to do to you"  danki said.

"That is fair" jirou said, "leave him alone sensio"

"I just let my fellings get invloved... and made a mistake." He muttered.

We sit down.

"Get away from my squad" katsuki said. "Youre fucked up mindmush"

Sensio crossed his arms, "this is unfair you can't just say I ca-"

"As the victim  I don't want ou near me and... they have reason" danki said.

"What reasons to they have to be so prick-like" he'd grumble.

"He's dating us dumbass" sero growled.  "Back off our man"

"Sensio part of you're punishment  was you can't be within 5 feet of kamiari" iida scoldes.

He looks depressed, upset.

"What I swooned for you for so long" he'd groned.

"He and all of them swooned for me. I'm the fith in this" izuku said

Katsuki pulled him into his lap snuggling him, "yeah this is our nerd."

"You stole him from todoroki wrongfully" uraka hissed.

~ skipping 4 years ~

It's now grudation day - and we've pronced our  hero titles as pro.

Into got custy of akio and now she's makeing it right with our dear green haired boy.

Our names wore called we shook hands and get dpeolimas and officially take our hero names forever.

Uraka never forgave deku - nor did we care.. iuzku went last of us.

"We have one last thing to say" sero said., "mi amor"

"Yes." Izuku answered.

"Will you marry us" we all asked dropping to one knee.

"Yes!!" He called tackling into me as I cradle him putting a ring on his hand.

"Mi amor were gonna be married" sero said happily pecking his cheek.


The wedding prep seemed so very stressful for pebble, but the has came and well I think I can speak for us all.. when we saw izuku in that dress.

"We gotta fuck him good tonight" I muttered.

"Secound" katsuki said.

"3rd." Kami said.

"4rth" sero said.

Mina and jirou, momo walked up the ale, momo was a groomslady so she could link arms with jirou, Mina had nobody, and our other grooms man was koda.

All of class 1a expect for  the former deku squde was here. We haven't herd from them.

Izuku stood ifront of us, a dau we never thought. A saying we never thought we'd say, or think.

"Do you..." the pastered started asking us.

"I do" we say hushed and genuine.

"Before I officiate it any one have reason to dnay this happy marrige?" The pastor asked.

. . .

"No? No then with out a further of a do; I prounce you..." he'd hum, "the bakugo-midoria house hold"

We all agreed we'd take  katsukis and midoras last name, because well my nickname is based off my last name, sero goes by his, and danki goes by his former last name.

"You may kiss the men--" the paster said clearly  he hasn't wedded 4 to the same man before.

We all shared a kiss with echother, officiating our marrige.

The press was quickly here all to happy  to;

"Today live were at proheros, redriot, deku, chargebolt, cellaphane and groundzeros wedding" the reporter said as were jus all aqwardly stood behind.

Well our 'bride' if you will tried to hide from the camera, "I agreed to wear a dress for you four, not the whole world!"

I chuckle, I agree this sight is only for us, and we plan to rip it off later.

I moved my arm harding it abit across our husband.

"what, regard to you have to be here, you never and I mean never go to hero weddings" Mina snapped, annoyed.

"This one is the first polygamous prohero wedding to happen in history" the reporter answered, "its big for the mida to see its possible"

"Well, I would of liked to be asked frist" kamiari snared, "never once wore any of us asked if we want our relationship  publicize apon the wedding day."

"We did internally hid we wore a thing from the mida for this reason" katsuki  snared, "turn you're camra off  you damed extras"

"You are not permitted to be or record here you need to leave immediately  or charges will be aginst you're repacation service" aizwa said.

"Indeed." Hawks, midnight said, "this  is scummy. Infringing  on there personal life."

The news glares before getting escorted by, mic who was romared to be aziwas husband; and allmight himself.

After that we went and did the post ceremony celebration.

I'm sorry for all the time hops;
But I was getting abit bored qeq so ..

Originally this was mwnt to be the end. But I uh forgot.

My children love smut. So I needed to set it up for wedding sex.

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