fifteen . odd encounters

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He looked to good in that outfit.. when I herd the door closer and him melt to the floor I chuckled.

"He's having  good old gay panic over that" I hummed.

"You think he.." kamiari blushed abit.. not finishing it incase.

"Knowing him, as well as I think he does if he's reacting like that" katuski said, "he never would randomly hang up on someone.. he's so fucking  flustred"

"Lets give him some previcy for abit" kirishima sudjusted pulling us into katsukis room, I know why.

Kamiari  closed the door behind him and looked up at us.

"So is tonight gonna be the night.. or tomrrow?" I asked, that is all I needed to know.

Because based on that I think, we all kinda want to take our ambitions from our head and make midobro ours.

"Bakubro do you have--" kirishima starts.

"Only thing I don't have shittyhair is  the flowers because the die quick" katsuki scoffed and rolled his eyes, "we've been planning for ages of fucking coruse I have it"

We figured it'll be lest likeing midobro would ever come into katsukis room, witch is why our confession stuff is in here.

"Becides the fact... when are we" I sighed, "I know damn well after that, we want Mi amado as our amor"

They all slowly nod, "we need to agree on when, tonight tomrrow? Soon even?" I added.

We all looked at echother.

"Icyhot will try something tomrrow sense he thinks we probably  are in his love fucking sick mind" katsuki snares. "Im willing to bet he'd do it with mindmush to"

True.. todoroki is a smart one, by that he either  thinks we are dating. Or we like midoria.

Witch  obviously  we do.
Who wouldn't?
He's adorble as hell.

"Sensio probably  would brainwash him to think he's with todoroki, for the low price of todoroki forcing me with him" Kamiari  said uncomfortable  hugging my arm.

I smiled and just pulled him into a comforting hug, "we wont let the purple haired fucker touch you" I said softly, "given that what we thinking"

"Tonight." Kirishima said, "then maybe --"

"We aren't snuggling again tonight" katsuki  scoffed.

"Well then let's get the stuff and head to the living  room to set up?" Kamiari sudjusted.

Katsuki just nodded and walked over grabing a bag out of his closest that was covered in old clothes.

Most very worn - torn and bloody from the non hero suit random villain fights.

"Here it is my dear idoits" katsuki snorted.

I'd nod and we go the living room, ozuku wasn't out. "Thats one hell of a gay panic" I chuckle.

"How about me and sero go quickly grab the flowers" kirishima sudjsuted.

I mean sure, I find it worth it to have it so it's all prefect.

Kamiari nods, "be safe, villains lurk"


Walking through the allys with kirishima - hyper aware of the tiniest noises, owls hooting, crickets.

All nosies in the moonlight could spook somewhere when the villains would love to scoop you up.

We walk up on a girl, shigraki talking.

"Akio you can protect him forever, promises are made to break" shigraki snares.

The girl had green and white-blue hair silmar to midobro.. no way.

"We promised mom we'd protect zuzu even if we wore seprated" akio hissed, "you're a terrible older brother tenko"

"Father wanted this!" Shigraki snaps, "we need to let our brother live his life, and not do this anymore, he's on the other side"

"Father's a nerasstic prick with a qurick to damn powerful its killing him" akio snaped, "as far as im concerned I have no blood realshions to that man. Call me when he's six feed under"

Who's their father..
And who's this sibling their mentioning.

"Uh are you two okay?" Kirishima asked silently.

The girl turned to him, "Hello hero, cellaphane  and redriot, it's awful  late to see you out in non-hero gear" akio said, "the names juniper stormblade"

"I thought you wore name akio" I muttered, "is he bothering you?"

"He's just using my former name - what else would a older sibling do" she chuckles. "Nah, tenko isnt"

I'd nod, "were just gonna go--"


On our way back with red, white and pink roses with lavender accents.. that encounter was something..

"Is it just me or did she looked like a female verison of midobro, with some of shigrakis blue hair.." kiri asked as we returned to the dorm.

"Not only you, but midobro never said anything about siblings.. maybe  its a coedince" I sighed as we let our sleeves back into bakubros dorm

Akio... stormblade huh?

I wish she said midoria, because that's what she is rightfully. But for story sake.. I cannot.

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