nine . comfort-squde

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An:sush.... it's my au👀

We went back to the dorms I self decied we wore gonna hang out at mine and shittyhairs sense Dunce face has to share with the mind-bastred.

Kamiari  was stiming as in shaking and I sighed.

"This is the one time I do this" I say, "group cuddles"

I was pissed it even happend. I may be a asshole to my group, but I do love them uncontonditonaly  in my own way.

Kirishima, sero came to snuggles, Mina and jirou, momo stayed  behind. We wore always welcoming to momo once jirou got with her.

Sure with abit bitching and overprotectiveness at first.

"What can we do to make you  fell better kamibro" kirishima said softly rubbing duncefaces back.

I can't belive this but in a way I love my idiots in more then .. brotherly way, hell we've agreed we'd share izuku.

I dislike saring but, I for somereason don't mind with them.

"What that bastred did blacklisted him from the group"  I growled as dunceface looks up at me.

He didn't answer it was clear he's in shock - he's Alawys been abit slower to compahend things, something with his adhd I'd assume.

"We won't let him touch you ever again" Sero said softly. "We have you not him"

I'd sigh and lift his chin, "danks they can't hurt you, you made it into UA they didn't you're safe as long as were here"

I hate letting my gaurd down.. but honstly.

I know these four would never tease me for this. "Youre safe." I reinsured.

He claims down clinging onto my shirt, I just  shift letting him cuddle into my chest as seros playing with his hair, ejiro is softly rubbing his back.

Jirou soon helps herself in, I did give them a kye.

"How is he?" She asked softly.

"Im fine" kamiari  answers, "it just triggered a memory"

"I figured it did" she said in her motherly voice, "sensio got suspended  for 3 weeks"

"Only three, the farett really is a soft fucker" I growl as danki lays on my chest.

"Clam down kat" kirishima sighed, "this is the frist infrection  he's aware of crouse its lighter"

"Either way, I'll always deem sensio as unmanly"

"What he did is discusting." Jirou agrees, "midoria was worried  for kami to, after all after the scream kami went unresponsive"

"Thats cute.. it's good to know he cares about us" sero chuckled, "he's always been making sure we're okay"

"Thats the nerds personality  for you" he'd chuckle, "he got it from auntie"

Auntie was always a kind hearted soul I have no dought its where he got his dedication and kindness from, witch I always secretly amired.

Even when qurickless  I amried his deciation  and drive to be a hero regardless, I tried bully him out of it to protect him, turns out it was saverly delayed.

I'll never forgive myself for saying what I did to him.

'Take a swan dive off the roof, maybe you'll get a qurick  in you're next life'

Words I wish I never  said.

"So dunceface what can we do to help you mlre" I said re-asking shittyhairs question.

"Slumberparty?" He asked with the pretty little excited sparkle.

I hate and love it. We call it puppy  eyes.

"Fine" I grone.

"Messge Mina porver jirou" sero asked.

"On it" she'd hum.

Setting it up..

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