two . deepend jealously

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I could help but Amire  Iuzku - he honstly had been on our radars from  secound year.

I hear katsuki grumble, a looked over seeing todoroki stareing at midora blushing.

I grumble abit, knowing our luck  he had a better chance of us even with us having danki and kirishima.

The class dorks, but they do have pretty pervile.

Kirishima was missing about with danki behind us. "No kamibro-- don't short cricket already"

"Butt" Danki whined, he had adhd witch can cause him to have strange ideas.

"Dunce face no" Katsuki growled, "its to early to deal with you with a 4/15ths of you're braincells."

"You wanna droll over midoria instead" Mina sighed. "I saw you giving todoroki a death glare. Spoiler he's not the only one to worry about"

"Roundface?" Katsuki stated, "yeah no duh she can't choose if she like tusu or zuku"

Look were all aginst katsukis past actions in middle school - he was a grade a dickhead. But he's to an extent mellowed out.

Kirishima was now glaring at uraka, I grumbled, "Mi amado will be ours trust me, amors"

"You can't say that  for certin plus.. you already sliped  sero" Kamiari  said, "we did still hear it."

"He doesn't know what it really means." I'd sigh quietly, "but bakubro really that's what you come  up with"

"It was better then the truth" katuski said, "tape face you, wore the last person I'd think to fucking slip, would of thought it would be Dunce face or shitty hair"

Katuski is an asshole that's for sure but, deep down he has a soft spot under that cold demmenr we all know that one. When one of us is hurt or bullied becieds by him, in his way to show he loves us.

He will go full protective older brother.

"You know you guys really need to tell him who knows  if the romours are right he may end up with one of his own squad members" Mina said.

"Frist of all, romours can be flase. Secound of all what roumers" Kirishima said, "romurs aren't very manly either."

"He has a thing for uraka or todoroki the romours choose sense the school mostly ships them" Mina sighed, looking at us in a sisterly way, "though as kiri said likely its flasefied"

I glare at todoroki and uraka, how dare they get that treatment. I felt deep inside a ridding jealously... it should be us.

The group went quiet. Witch was expiclly  odd for katsuki who seemed to always be shouted.

"Am I the only one jealous over something  that most likely is fake" he sigh under... I know izuku isn't ours yet.

But we do plan on asking him out at somepoint.

"Nope sero I can tell you, you arent" Jirou says, "when they go slient their jealous."

Dankis head snapped to her. "That was a misread of fellings and you know that... I didn't relize I was in guys quiet yet"

Back in junior high, danki got really quiet and self isolating after jirou rejected him because she liked girls.

We all knew, he was jealous. But as soon as we saw izuku, his deemner shaped back to a class clown like he used to be.

"Yeah because you have a dead mouse on a wheel in you're skull half the time" Katuski snapped, "for all we know you could be confused again"

Danki went quiet, "its not my fault my qurick  has a defect and you know it." He then paused and went back to his little happy-class clowy  self.

I felt eyes looking at us looking to sensio, kirishima intently pulled danki to him.

"Can we help you, brainwash" Katuski snapped at the purple haired boy. "Youre looking at one of my squde members"

Katuski hated when anyone  looked at us, we are his soft spot. Though he'd never admint it.

"Can I not?" Sensio said, in his sleep meliconi  voice, he was kinda blushing at kamiari.

Oh.... that's not gonna sit well with kirishima.

"Yeah you're looking at kamibro" kirishima  grumbles, "he's our pikachu"

Kamiari  blushed to that, honstly it's quiet cute to see it.

"Whatever" sensio grumbled.
Well that's gonna cause issues.

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