No Renegotiations

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Garcia did all the talking. That wasn't unusual. She was both the face and the voice of the community. This was just the first time someone wanted to talk to someone other than the leader.

"Put Y/N on the radio," Uma repeatedly demanded.

"Mija's not at liberty to chat right now. You'll have to go through me."

"Our deal won't go any further until you let me talk to my other half."

"She doesn't want to talk to you, and you know it."

You could hear Kali in the background screaming, "If you don't give our soulmate the transceiver this goddamn second, I'm going to tear you to pieces and leave you scattered across this bumfuck nowhere stretch of land! Do you hear me?! I will peel the skin off your fugly face and nail it to the doors of that little children's fort you have!"

The sigh that Garcia heaved could have filled the sails of ships. "We'll try this again in about an hour. Perhaps by then your tempers will have calmed and you'll be more reasonable." Kali was yelling every expletive under the sun as the frontier-woman turned down the volume on the radio.

You spent that spare hour with Melanie.

You packed her a bag with enough water and rations to last a week --at most three if she was very judicial with them-- as well as all the bullets she had on her during the time of her capture. Then you unlocked her jail cell and tossed the pack to the ground at her feet.

"It's time for you to fly away, jail bird," you said jokingly. Then, once she was on her feet, you handed her her sniper rifle, cleaned and back in one piece. "Do you know where you're gonna go?"

"Honestly? I'm thinking of heading back to the gang," she told you. "The Twins are likely itching for any scrap of information they can get on you since you went missing. I don't have much, but what I do might just be enough for me to keep my life."

You frowned. You reached inside yourself for anger but only felt a little sad. Then again, what right did you have to feel that way? You betrayed her first.

Seeing as this might be the last time you ever saw each other again, you just had to ask, "If I had told you I was going to leave the gang, would you have come with me?"

Melanie thought it over for a long time, or at least made a show of doing so. Before finally answering, "No. I would have tried to talk you out of it. And, if that failed, I would have told Kali and Uma about your plan." Mouth set in a thin line, you nodded and looked away. "You have to understand--"

But you'd heard enough. You cut her off with a, "I don't care to understand. Now, we have nothing more to talk about. Grab your shit and go."

She just blinked at you at first, before eventually doing as she was told. On her way out the door, she said, "See you soon, Y/N." She might not have meant it as a threat, but you definitely took it as one.

By then, it was time for another radio talk show with the Twins. Well, Uma did most of the talking, but you knew Kali was listening in. Probably pacing around like a caged tiger, if you knew her.

"We would like to renegotiate," Uma said.

"I'm listening," Garcia replied.

"You can keep damn near everything: your land, your food and water, your guns and ammo. All we want is the girl. And then we'll leave." That was a little surprising. You knew they would offer to let the county keep a larger portion of its resources in exchange for you, but all of them?

It was a good deal. A great one, even. But Garcia promised--

And she made good on it. "Sorry, but no. We don't give up people to raiders."

"She'd be in good hands--"

"Better than yours," Kali added, voice muffled in the background.

"We would never harm her."

"I cannot stress this enough: she doesn't want to go with you. If you truly loved her, you would respect her wishes and leave the poor girl be." The Twins were silent for a long time after that. Or maybe they were talking, just not into the radio. "The original deal still stands: eighty percent of our resources for your withdrawal from the county. Now, are you going to honor your word or not?"

More radio silence. And then, "We're done playing nice. Remember this moment: you could have prevented any further death or destruction if you had just listened."

Garcia didn't say anything after that. It was clear the conversation was over. Time to fight.

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