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"Okay, that's the paperwork done. You're good to go." Sophia smiles as she files away the papers and rises to her feet.

Scarlett, who had been absentmindedly combing her fingers through a content Brielle's hair, looks up with a smile too, though hers was filled with confusion.

"That's it?" She questions as she too rises to her feet, the little one nestled against her chest with her head tucked perfectly beneath her chin. The gentle bobbing of her pacifier hits her neck with each suckle, her tiny hand clinging to the front of her blouse.

Sophia nods, "Thats it. I'll come by in a few weeks to see how things are going, but from here on out, she's yours."

Though a frown wants to creep onto her lips, Scarlett withholds it to the best of her ability. It's not that she wasn't happy Brielle was coming home with her today. In fact, she was ecstatic. She was simply confused on just how true the rumours about these places were. They really did like to get rid of them quickly.

Sophia grimaces almost as though she could read her thoughts. "We have hundreds of littles arriving at this centre a week. We simply have no room to keep them any longer than necessary. It's rough, I know. But I trust that she's in good hands."

Scarlett wants to say more, but she bites her tongue and simply nods. She gets it, but it really doesn't make it suck any less. After Sophia had bid a quiet Brielle goodbye with a gentle touch to her cheek; the little one bashfully burying her face into Scarlett's chest, she sends them one last smile before leaving the room.

"Well I guess it's just you and me munchkin." She murmurs, shouldering Brielle's changing bag before making her way out of the room too. She finds the exit easy enough, silently thanking herself for remembering the carseat as she unlocks the car and pulls open the door.

"In we go, there's a good girl." She quietly praises as she eases the little one down into her car seat. It was a rear facing one, much to her dismay. Yes, she knew that Brielle was small enough for this kind of seat to be warranted, she was just dreading the discussion that would surely come when she finally came out of her headspace.

It was one thing for her to be in it when she was little, but to try and convince the sixteen year old into it would surely be an issue. Deciding that she'd cross that bridge when it came to it, she focuses her attention on the babbling little one who's dexterity was way off as she attempts to reach for the necklace that was hanging within her line of vision.

"I know, it's pretty huh?" She muses as she successfully manages to coax little arms into through the straps, connecting them with the buckle that say between her legs.

Brielle simply stares up at her with a drool filled grin, and Scarlett smiles softly as she uses her thumb to wipe away the drool before wiping it off on her jean clad leg. "You're too precious." She whispers, leaning down to press a kiss to Brielle's forehead.

"We need to make a quick stop at the store, and then we'll go home, okay?" She speaks despite knowing the little one had absolutely no understanding as to what she was saying. Still, it felt appropriate to at least try and keep in her in the loop, even if it was all just gibberish to her.

With one last kiss, Scarlett closes the door and heads round to the drivers side. She slides in and buckles herself up, eyebrows furrowing in concern when the little one lets out an unhappy whine at no longer being able to see her.

"I'm right here baby, it's okay." She raises her voice a little to be heard, but Brielle simply continues to whine. Scarlett wants nothing more than to sooth the upset whines, but if she did, she was sure they'd never make it home. Instead, as she starts and car and reverses out of her space, she begins to sing the only lullaby she knew. Baby mine from Dumbo. One of her favourite Disney movies.

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