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The next few days pass similarly to the first. Brielle learns pretty quickly that the independence she once had was no longer. Sophia -yes, she'd finally figured out her name- never seemed to leave her alone. She insisted on helping with every little thing Brielle did. Holding her hand to and from the dining hall to her bedroom. Supervising her in the tub like she wasn't a sixteen year old who was more than capable of looking after herself. That wasn't even mentioning the lack of privacy in the bathroom department.

Deep down she knew it was because Sophia had to be there just in case she dropped, but it definitely didn't make it suck any less. She didn't think she'd mind so much if she wasn't as independent as she was. But to have no personal space even during her most vulnerable moments sucked.

Despite Sophia's constant presence, she manages to go the whole entire week without one single drop. The fuzzy feeling had admittedly creeped into the back of her mind a few times, but she was able to push it away without too much of a problem. Sure she knew it wasn't healthy to do that. In fact, it was something she'd been told the day she'd arrived here but she couldn't quite bring herself to think about it too deeply.

She was fine. And she was determined to stay that way for as long as possible despite the knowing looks Sophia was constantly sending her way. To stop her from prying, she remains silent. She doesn't complain. She even begrudgingly accepts the hugs Sophia insists on giving her before she was 'put to bed.'

That happens for a week straight before she was informed she already had a match. Turns out Sophia was right. She really wouldn't be here long after all.

It was after lunch that Sophia brings her to her room and gestures for her to sit on the bed. With a skeptical look, Brielle complies, hoisting herself up onto the mattress with more difficulty than she'd like to admit. She blatantly ignores the look of adoration on Sophia's face as she sits down next to her.

Knowing all to well that Brielle wouldn't be asking any questions about her new caregiver, Sophia takes it upon herself to do so for her.

"Okay, so, her name is Scarlett and she's thirty one years old. She's never had a little before, so you'll be her first," she pauses as if she was expecting Brielle to respond, and when she doesn't, she playfully rolls her eyes before continuing. "She's super nice, and she sounded so excited on the phone when we told her she was matched with you. She'll be here later today to meet you. Do you have any questions?"

Brielle, who had been looking down at her lap throughout the entirety of the one sided conversation, shakes her head. Expecting that very answer, Sophia gives her small leg a pat before rising to her feet.

"You have fifteen minutes to do all the thinking you'd like. I just need to get your bath ready, okay?"

Brielle makes brief eye contact before nodding her head again, and Sophia sends her one last smile before leaving the room. When the door closes behind her with a soft thud, Brielle lets out a breath of relief and lays down in bed. She curls up small beneath the covers with her teddy tucked to her chest, fingers trailing absentmindedly through its soft fur as she allows her mind to drift.

Scarlett. Thirty one. Apparently excited to meet her.

That wasn't really much to go on. What colour was her hair? Was it long or short? Was colour were her eyes? Was she tall, short? Curvy, slim? Would she treat her like Sophia does even when she wasn't little? Would she be strict? Yell?

She has so many questions she feels herself becoming a little overwhelmed. That fuzzy feeling creeps into the back of her head again, and with the knowledge that she would soon be meeting a total stranger who would become responsible for her entire being looming over her, she becomes ever the more determined to push it away.

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