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Scarlett shifts from foot to foot as she anxiously awaits Brielle and her caretakers arrival. Her feet ache like nothing else making her regret the heels she'd chosen to wear this morning but she'd just wanted to look nice and make a good first impression.

She doesn't really know what she was thinking considering nobody would care what shoes she was wearing, but when she was anxious, it's like her brain has a mind of its own and things that are plain stupid seem completely rational.

It had been this way for a few days now, ever since she'd received the phone call telling her she'd finally been matched with a little one. She'd been on the waiting list for seven years too long, and due to the fact all of her friends had gotten their matches pretty early on, she'd been worried that maybe she just wasn't meant to be matched with anybody after all.

Turns out she'd been so wrong, and her patience had paid off.

Just as she turns to complete yet another lap of the room, the partially open door opens completely and in walks who Scarlett assumes to be Sophia, Brielle's caretaker, carrying said little one in her arms. She'd been warned prior of Brielle's medical condition, so the size of the girl doesn't shock her. What does shock her was just how reminiscent she was of an actual toddler.

Her young, delicate features. The soft, lingering baby fat that had yet to go away.

She takes a tentative step forward, eyes reluctantly flickering from Brielle to Sophia. Sophia meets her gaze with a welcoming smile that immediately has Scarlett feeling more at ease.

"Hi Scarlett, it's nice to meet you. You wanna hold your baby?" She asks as she drops what Scarlett assumes to be a changing bag onto the couch, and Scarlett nods her head without any hesitation.

It's all she's ever wanted.

Sophia carefully transfers the sleeping little one into her open arms, and Scarlett's eyes fill with happy tears as she stares down at her. Brielle was cradled in her arms much like an infant, head nestled between the crook of her arm and breast, and with a small sniffle, Scarlett takes a small step backwards and gently sits herself down on the free seat of the couch so they would both be more comfortable.

Brielle's body was sprawled over her lap, her tiny hand reaching up to instinctively cling to the front of her blouse as she continues to steadily suckle on her pacifier. The woman couldn't help but reach up and tuck a messy strand of hair behind her ear, thumb lingering against the soft skin of her cheek for just a moment longer than was necessary.

"I'll leave you to it." She distinctly hears Sophia say, and Scarlett could barely bring herself to look away from Brielle as she nods her head in understanding. Soon, the gentle sound of the door closing fills her ears, telling Scarlett that she and the little one were now alone.

With a sigh of content, Scarlett sinks more into the couch and crosses one leg over the other, her hand moving down to press instinctive pats to Brielle's padded behind. The little one stirs in her arms at the action, and Scarlett waits with baited breath as blue irises slowly flutter open and flicker up to meet her own.

"Hi," she murmurs, momentarily stopping with the butt pats so she could bring a hand up to trail the pad of her thumb over Brielle's warm cheek. The little one stares up at her in confusion, but she doesn't cry or attempt to squirm out of her hold. In fact, she remains tranquil and peaceful, the tiny hand still clinging to her shirt tightening.

Taking this as a positive sign, Scarlett allows her lips to quirk up into a soft smile. "I'm Scarlett." She introduces herself despite the fact she knew Brielle was much too young in her headspace to really understand what she was talking about.

The little one, of course, says nothing, but a soft audible coo does escape from behind her pacifier as the tiny hand removes itself from her shirt and instead reaches up to touch her face. The tiny appendage trails almost clumsily over her features, and Scarlett couldn't help but chuckle slightly as she reaches up to take it before she was poked in the eye.

"Gentle, baby," She coos, watching in awe as Brielle's tiny fingers wrap around just one of her own. Not being able to help herself, she lifts her hand up so she could place a soft kiss to the little ones soft skin, and Brielle's legs kick happily against Scarlett's thighs as the woman's lips yet again quirk up into a smile. "You like kisses huh?" She muses knowingly, earning herself another coo.

Adjusting herself slightly so she was sat against the arm of the couch with Brielle sat within the dip of her hips, Scarlett reaches for the changing bag and curiously rummages through it. Almost immediately she finds a bottle, and she pulls it out before setting the changing bag onto the floor next to her.

Brielle's eyes light up as her feet kick against kick against Scarlett's stomach, and the woman laughs softly as she manoeuvres the little one so her head was supported by her knees before gently tugging on the loop of the pink pacifier. "Are you hungry?" She coos as the pacifier falls from the little ones lips with a soft pop, Brielle smacking her lips together as the bottle was brought to her mouth.

She latches on with ease, but doesn't take the bottle from her like Scarlett had suspected. She instead continues to cling to Scarlett's finger like her life depends on it, the woman's thumb trailing gently over the back of her hand as she begins to lightly hum beneath her breath.

"Such a hungry girl," Scarlett muses as Brielle drains over half of the bottle in a little over five minutes, using the sleeve of her shirt to wipe away the milk that had started to drip down the little ones chin.

She knows that many, many bibs were definitely going to be in their future.

The bottle was empty just minutes later, and after setting it aside, she lifts Brielle so her head was over her shoulder before beginning to pat her back. The little one lets out a quiet grunt as she shifts uncomfortably, and Scarlett gently shushes her as she continues with the ministrations against her back.

"I know. I know baby." She attempts to placate, "But if I don't do this then you're not going to be happy with me later." Scarlett murmurs, "you'll get a tummy ache, and that won't be very nice." She continues to explain her reasoning despite the fact Brielle was not understanding any of it.

Just a second later she finds herself smiling in satisfaction when a quiet burp escapes the little one's lips. "There we go. Good girl." She praises as she stops with the patting and simply grazes her hand over the small expanse of the little ones back, pressing her lips against her shoulder in gentle kiss before easing her back down into her prior position.

When Brielle starts suckling clumsily on her fingers, Scarlett was quick to replace them with a pacifier, letting out a short chuckle when the little one grunts angrily and kicks her legs. "I know, I'm sorry. But you'll hurt your fingers if you chew on them." She muses in amusement as she begins swaying her legs back and forth, effectively rocking Brielle on her lap.

She also begins to trial the tip to her finger down the bridge of Brielle's cute button nose, and the little one immediately stops with the fussing as she reaches up to try and grab Scarlett's hand. Her coordination was way off however, leaving Scarlett, despite her confusion, to gently take the tiny appendage and place it over her own.

Brielle holds Scarlett's hand to her chest, and the woman laughs softly as she begins grazing the backs of her fingers of the soft baby skin of Brielle's cheek.

"You are too cute for your own good."


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