Chapter 6: Working as a Devil

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Kuoh Town, Japan
3rd Person POV
It was early in the morning, and like any other time, Issei's alarm went off. He woke up and turned it off.

Issei: It's 4:30, why in the hell is my alarm going off?...SHIT...! My workout! She'll be here any second!

Issei instantly realized that he had a scheduled workout with Rias.

Small Timeskip
Rias and Issei have begun their workout. It started with Issei running while Rias rode a bike.

Rias: Anyone ever tell you, you run like a school girl?

Issei: Yes, ma'am! People have been telling me that my whole life!

Issei's Mind: (I wish that bicycle seat was my face!)

Rias: No complaining. Come on, pick it up, I know you need some work but you can do better than that!

Issei: I think I'm gonna puke up my ball sac.

Issei's Mind: (Why doesn't Ryota-senpai get to do this?!)

Ryota was seen going around Kuoh Town while riding a skateboard.

Ryota's Mind: (Haha....skatebooooaaarrrrrrd.)

Just then, as he was riding by, he found a weak cursed spirit. He rode close and easily killed it.

Ryota: (Heh...Let's see how many cursed spirits I can kill while on my ride today.)

Back to Issei
At a park, Rias was now helping Issei with stretching.

Rias: Listen. In the world of devils, intelligence doesn't matter as much as strength. So...You've gotta get strong...In mind and body.

Issei: Sounds good to me!

Issei's Mind: (Oh snap...Nipple contact.)

Rias: Remember! The stronger you get, the more powerful you are. The more powerful you are, the more you can accomplish.

Issei: Yes, ma'am!

Issei then began doing pushups with Rias sitting on his back.

Issei: Three...! four!

Right in the middle of his count, his thoughts became perverted, and his hips showed.

Issei's Mind: (All I want out of life is to be able to motorboat that booty!)

Rias slapped Issei on the ass and he lost his posture, falling onto the ground.

Rias: Don't think I don't know you're having disgusting, sexually charged thoughts about me right now!

Issei: Look, I can't help it, I'm a teenager, if I get within ten feet of a hot girl I start thinking about what she looks like naked.

Rias: Speaking of which, I wonder what's keeping her?

Issei: Who...? I'm just gonna imagine her naked, too.

Rias soon smiled at what was now in her eyesight.

???: Hey, you guys, I'm here!

Issei looked up and saw Asia running towards them with a basket in her arm, as if she was carrying it.

Asia: So sorry that I'm late...I swear, I won't let it happen again-

Suddenly, Asia nothing. Rias and Issei both looked absolutely confused.

 Rias and Issei both looked absolutely confused

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