"Where the hell did it go?" A feminine voice grumbled. You had quickly gotten under the floorboards just in time. 

The Murder Drone entered into view, where you now had a clear view of what she looked like. She had pigtails and a suit and tie. Seems to be more of the bossy type.

"Nothin' over here." Another voice called out. You had dimmed your visor to the point where you couldn't really see it at a quick glance. The second voice also entered into view. 

"I don't get it. These drones are getting faster day by day." The second girl commented, to which you rolled your now invisible eyes. The first girl kicked the cage door beside you.

"This is so fucking stupid! We haven't gotten a good kill in weeks, at this rate, we're going to die before we can get through that door..." The first voice voiced. Just then a third voice entered they fray.

"What's going on here?" A familiar voice question, to which you raised your (invisible, technically) eyes. 

"Shut up, N."

"Yes, J."

Yup, that was him.

His eyes were immediately tranced towards a dog poster, to which he tore from the wall. The Murder Drone named 'J' snatched the poster and tore it up.

N let out a small 'aww' while J rolled her eyes. You narrowed your eyes at her, now being extremely annoyed with her.

"Well, we need to find it. I don't know about you, but I like not dying." The second drone complained. J only shrugged.

N had looked around the room a bit, before his eyes landed on you. For a moment, both of you froze before J spoke up again.

"Well, let's split up. N, take this room. V, take any room that I'm not in." And without saying another word, J left; not leaving any room for objections.

V left soon after, leaving just you and N. After N made sure both of them were somewhere else out of earshot and eyesight, he went over to you.

"Y/n, what are you doing here?!" N whisper-yelled while helping you out of your hiding place. You brushed yourself off then looking up at N.

"Good question, I don't really know." N raised a digital brow at that, and was about to say something, but cut himself off before he could say anything.

"Either way, I have to get you out of here. They'll kill you if they find you here." To which you gave a thumbs up. N turned his back to you then deployed his wings. He motioned for you to get on, which you quickly obliged. 

With that being said, he walked out the pet store quietly, then flew off through the broken sun roof in the mall.

The trip to a safe spot to be at, and landed, to which you promptly fell off due to the impact of the landing.

"Oh biscuits! Sorry!" N quickly apologized, picking you up from the snow and brushing you off.

"Don't be, you probably saved my life." You dismissed, looking around trying to figure out where you were. N looked around nervously, making sure you two weren't being followed.

"What were you doing there?" N questioned again. You shrugged in response.

"Didn't I already answer this question?" N blinked before nodding.

"Yeah, but I didn't know you just took random walks in the middle of nowhere." You moved your foot around the snow nervously.

"Well- I- I was just trying to find a dog poster." You admitted, to which N raised his eyebrows. 

"Why?" He question. You didn't answer immediately, instead looking at where you and N flew from.

"You said you were collecting dog posters, and I was hoping that I could give you one." You said, now sounding a little bit nervous. N perked up at that, tail wagging a little bit.

"Really?" N asked, to which you nodded.

"Yeah. But, uh, that might take awhile. Because your boss tore the one I wanted to get for you." You groaned, to which N's expression faltered, now looking sad.

Not wanting him to feel sad, you tried to quickly come up with something to cheer him up with, "But! I can find you another one!"

N looked at you, perking up at that. His smile returned, not a happy as it was before, but it was enough.

"You know you don't have to do that just for me." He commented to which you waved your hand dismissively.

"I want to. It's the least I can really do for you for saving my life."

N's tail returned to wagging a little bit, perking up even more.

"Thanks y/n." 

"Don't mention it."

Murder drones x Reader Scenarios/Oneshots/Headcanonsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें