Chapter 15 - Erik XV

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The doors burst open to reveal Wilhelm Bernadotte, Erik's father and the President of Germany, flanked by Bundeswehr officers wielding lightsabers. Wilhelm looked down to see his fallen son and his father began to cry. Wilhelm ordered "Arrest the chancellor for treason" and the soliders quickly overwhelmed the chancellor and disarmed her. Just then, Erik remembered his brothers words to him "I promise I'll protect you, I'll keep you alive" and then the line from the prophecy "An oath shall be kept with a final breath". Well another prophecy from Rasputin had came true, he had thought that line was about him and his oath to Germany but it was obviously about Friedrich and his promise to protect Erik.

"Unhand me" said the chancellor

"No can do traitor" said the president

Wilhelm revealed that as soon as he got Erik's messages he had declared Martial law. He had used the emergency powers to arrest the chancellor. The chancellor had been voted out by the Bundestag after Wilhelm presented the evidence. The former chancellor was escorted out of the building.

"It's hard to lose a child" said Wilhelm

"He was one of my best friends and my only sibling"

They hugged and began to cry on each others shoulder.

Members of the cabinet began to file in asking what had happened . They explained about the fight, and Erik had to talk to Müller.

"I thought you were the spy after I overheard you had a secret that could ruin you. What was it?"

"I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I had an affair and the woman's pregnant" said Müller.

"I misjudged your character greatly, you are no traitor"

"I'm still a bad person, and I decided I'm going to tell my wife" said Müller.

"Good move"

Soon they heard on the news a shocking announcement:

"Revolution in India, the people revolt against Arun Gupta after it is revealed that Government tried to kill Erik Bernadotte and then lied" said the news anchor

Soon another announcement was made:

"Arun Gupta has been executed, the new acting leader of India wants to improve relations with the west"

That meant the second Cold War was over, and then Erik remembered another line from the prophecy : "A war shall be won without a death."

While people had died, there was no direct combat between India and Germany so that line was true. 

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