Chapter 1 - Lukas I

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January, 2050

The time was approaching for general election season, the election was to be held in February. This time Lukas Schmidt decided to run for the Bundestag touting his heroic deeds during both World War III and the second Nigerian civil War. Wilhelm Bernadotte had ended his 5th term as chancellor that month and Lena Fischer had taken over as the new Federal Chancellor. Wilhelm Bernadotte had decided to run for Federal President of Germany, which was a mostly ceremonial role, but to become President he had to retire from the Bundestag, so Lukas was running as the SPD successor to Wilhelm.

Lukas had many similar opinions to Wilhelm, as Wilhelm's policies had worked during the depression, war and Cold War. He was too a man of the center, more of a social liberal than a socialist. That was the pitch he was making to voters in the District. He had made fast friends with his potential future colleague Erik Bernadotte, the son of Wilhelm, who had wholeheartedly endorsed Lukas to succeed his father. Today Erik was to give a speech in support of Lukas. He saw Erik passing by...

"Hey Erik"

"Hi, Lukas"

"You are looking fancy today" said Lukas

"I'm giving a speech, what did you expect" said Erik and he continued "see you later".

Lukas arrived at where Erik was giving the speech:

"We need to make progress! We need a new generation of politicians working for the greater good of our country! We will abolish the useless Bundesrat and reform our country! We will pass anti-corruption laws and win this Cold War! Advance Germany!"

Mass applause followed the speech, and Erik received a standing ovation. 


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