Types of Spells

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Abundance & Fortune - Used to draw in prosperity and good luck, aligning fate to be on your side. The waxing moon phase is an advantageous time to work on abundance magick as it is symbolic of increase and gain. (EX. road opening spells, money bowls/jars, and charms for good luck)

Banishing - Used to send away a person or thing to stop their presence from interference. Banishing spells can be performed during a waning or dark moon as these phases are symbolic of decreasing and declining. (EX. cord cutting and return to sender spells)

Binding - Contains a person or thing to limit action as a form of protection, usually performed to prevent them from negative/harmful behavior. It can also be used to keep someone or something close to you or to reinforce a vow. (EX. freezer spell, poppet binding, and spells to keep a lover)

Blessing - Used to consecrate or bestow positive energy on a person, place, or thing. This can be a means to invite good fortune and protection. (EX. house blessings, consecration of ritual tools, and protection spells)

Cleansing - Used to remove unwanted energy from a person, place, or thing to bring it back to a place of neutrality. The full moon is time for potent and energetic cleansing, salt and water are considered to be highly cleansing elements. (EX. smoke cleansing ritual and sacred bathing)

Freezing - Typically used to silence someone. It means "to freeze someone's words or actions." (EX. write someone's name on a piece of paper, place it in the freezer and leave it there. It is optional to forget about it)

Glamor - Used to influence others to perceive a person, place, or thing as altered from its original state. This could make something appear more interesting or to shield it from visibility. (EX. beauty spells shielding spells, and color magick)

Love - Used to draw in love or nurture self-love. This relates to strengthening an emotional bond which can be romantic, sexual, or platonic. (EX. attract a lover, lust spells, friendship spells, and honey jars)

Protection - Used to create a defense against malignant forces that may seek to interfere with a person, place, or thing. Protection is commonly placed upon the self and the home. (EX. defense against psychic attacks and salt circles)

Sweetening - Commonly known as honey jars, sweetening spells try to sweeten or mellow someone's attitude toward you. They can be cast on a specific person or situation such as a legal case, career problem, or on a relationship. The jar includes a taglock or personal item of the target, the target's name or the situation written on a piece of paper, a sigil (optional), and honey on top. You can add sugar and other things that correctly correspond for an extra boost.

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