Element of Water

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Direction- West

Time- Twilight

Season- Fall

Colors- Blue, silver, turquoise, navy, white

Tools- Seashells, rain water, ocean water, seaweed, hag stones, chalice, cup, cauldron

Crystals- Amethyst, aquamarine, blue fluorite, topaz, tourmaline, lapis lazuli, opal, pearl, sodalite

Metals- Mercury and silver

Plants- Aloe vera, apple, chamomile, ferns, gardenia, jasmine, lemon, lily, lotus, moss, rose, willow

  Connecting with water is critical in keeping your intuition sharp and your emotional health in check.

Take a bath, drink water or tea, place a vessel of water near your bed or on your altar, visit a pond or the ocean.

Step out into the rain, eat fruit and vegetables, enchant water.

Connect with water by feeling its energy flow within you.

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