Moon Phases

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🌑 New Moon: New beginnings - it's time for a clean slate. Start to gather your thoughts and plan. {new beginnings, clean slate, manifestation of wishes, new relationships, skills or habits, developing new ideas, purification, divination, shadow work}

🌒 Waxing Crescent Moon: Set intentions - Send your hopes and desires into the world. {setting intentions, planning goals, enhance and refine skills, growth, intensifying areas of life, improvement, increasing communication, healing wounds}

🌓 First Quarter Moon: Take action - When you face obstacles, do not waver. It's time to push forward. {taking action, pushing forward, focusing on goals, motivation, enthusiasm and drive, inspiration, removing obstacles}

🌔 Waxing Gibbous Moon: Refine and hone - Observe and align your hopes with the universe. Momentum is building. {enhance and refine skills, growth, intensifying areas of life. improvement, increasing communication, healing wounds}

🌕 Full Moon: Harvest endeavors - A time to harvest the intentions and wishes of past moons. {most powerful phase, releasing, forgiveness, perfecting thoughts and ideas, psychic abilities at peak, meditation. increasing intuition, visualization, celebrating achievements, dream work, cleansing home and self}

🌖 Waning Gibbous Moon: Introspect - Turn inwards, think about your goals, and be grateful. {introspection, self discovery, nurturing others, harvesting ideas, commitment, gratitude, declutter, adjustment, reevaluation, banishing}

🌗 Third Quarter Moon: Release and let go - Let go of the habits that bind you and do you harm. {surrender, release negativity and old habits, banishing, letting go of doubts, breaking spells, finish projects, responsibility, making decisions}

🌘 Waning Crescent Moon: Surrender - Recuperate and rest. It is okay to feel empty. {rest, relax, restore, finding peace and harmony, reconnect with yourself}

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