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Binding is typically meant to keep someone from doing harm to themself or to others, not just physically but spiritually. It isn't always negative. You could use binding to bring two people together or even a family. In some forms of folk magick, it is used to keep ghosts and restless spirits from leaving a graveyard and bothering people. A binding spell is a spell that ties the target up, restricting their actions, or keeping it tied to another individual object, place, or situation. You can also be bound by a promise, by guilt, obligation, by fear, and by love. Individuals who spend a lot of time together can become bound to each other. Binding can be on purpose or accidental.


You could bind a specific ring, a pet, a spirit to an object, yourself to a place or to your job

You could bind someone from hurting others, bind yourself to help break a bad habit, or to keep toxic people away

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