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How To -

Find the space and/or object you want to cleanse.

Pick a method of cleansing. Listen to your intuition and be safe.

Hold your intention while cleansing. Stay focused and grounded.

Finish by filling the room with positive energy.

When To Cleanse -

When you get a new tool

When something feels off or different

When your intuition tells you to

When negative things happen near you

Common Methods -

Using the elements: Cleanse a room or an item with water, fire, earth, or air. Soak or sprinkle with water, pass through a flame or smoke, or bury in the dirt.

Smoke: Smoke cleansing uses the smoke of herbs and plants to cleanse a space, item, or person. Pick herbs that correspond to your needs. Light a bundle and lead the smoke.

Salt: Sort of a "catch all" in witchcraft, salt will soak up all negative energies.

Sun and Moonlight: Let your item cleanse in the sunlight or moonlight. You can open your winds to cleanse a space with these energies as well.

Crystals: Use purpose specific crystals to cleanse a space or carry on your person for cleansing.

Eggs: Explained on page xx

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