Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

Kelsey followed her over and looked out, hoping she'd see signs of life somewhere. "Honestly, I have no idea." She ran her finger over the rough stone they sat on. "I won't lie and say I don't enjoy being with Gage, but I still don't know if..."

"He hasn't said a word about love, has he?"

Kelsey gave her a shrug. "No."

"Men are so stupid sometimes," Rayne mumbled.


"Kelsey, I've seen the way the man looks at you and watches you. He loves you." She snorted. "Blair has the same look on his face, but it's not as intense."

"I've never noticed any looks from either of them." She blew out a quiet breath. "Well, I've noticed the way Gage looks at me the last few days..."

Shaking her head, Rayne moved over closer. "Like he wants to take a bite, that would just mean he's horny. I'm talking about the way he looks at you when he doesn't think anyone is watching."

Kelsey bit her lip and shook her head. "I don't know."

"And, I think you love him too."

Shrugging, she looked over the darkening forest. "I've been totally obsessed with the man since I grew boobs, or thereabouts."

"It may have started as a teen crush, but it's more now." Rayne nudged her with her shoulder. "Do you trust him?"

Kelsey nodded. "Of course."

"Does he make you laugh when you really want to cry?"


Rayne bobbed her head. "Okay, so does he piss you off like no one ever has?"

Grinning, Kelsey looked at her. "Well, all the guys do, but Gage excels at it."

"I think my mate has the golden award myself." Rayne sobered and looked at her, searching her face. "Can you see your life without him in it?"

Just the thought of no Gage made her chest ache. She remembered what he'd said if she didn't want to mate with him, that he'd go away. It had bothered her then, but now, after they'd shared so much, she couldn't see not having Gage there. "I..." She stiffened and sat forward, there was something moving not far from where they were. "Shhh." She motioned in the direction the noise had come from.

Rayne turned and looked, then sat still and quiet, neither dared to breathe. "Is it them?" Rayne whispered and inhaled deeply. "I can't tell."

Leaning out over the edge, Kelsey took a deep breath and closed her eyes. There were so many scents to sort through. Opening her eyes, she bit her lip. "I'm not sure..." Branches snapping and leaves rustling had them both leaning away from the edge as a large orange tiger came crashing through the trees. It ran at full stride until it was at the base of the rocks, right where they'd started climbing. Prowling from side to side it sniffed the ground and then stopped and looked up.

"Is it Gage?" Rayne looked over the ledge.

Kelsey grinned. "It's Noah." Getting onto her knees, she leaned out and looked down at the animal looking up at her. Noah chirruped at her and then turned around and emitted a louder yowl in the direction of the trees. Heavy footfalls could be heard, with branches cracking as they moved rapidly in their direction.

"Kelsey." Gage came running out of the trees; Devin was right on his heels. They both came to a quick stop beside Noah. Noah turned around and looked up at them. "Honey, how the hell did you get up there?"

"You okay, Rayne?" Devin stared up at them.

"We're both fine." Rayne said relief clear in her voice.

"I didn't know how long it would take you guys to find us, so I wanted to stay put somewhere safe." She called down to Gage. Her heart was pounding at the sight of him.

"And how were you planning on getting down when we found you, honey?"

She could hear the exhaustion in his voice. Biting her lip, she looked at Rayne, who had the same blank look on her face as she couldn't think of an answer. "I didn't think that far ahead."

Blair, Cooper and Gary came through the trees. They all stopped and looked up at them. Cooper shook his head and then walked over to Devin. Blair said something to Gary, who nodded and then turned around. "Gary's going to grab the rope out of the truck." He sauntered over to stand with the other men and then looked up at them. "You ladies all right up there for a few more minutes?"

Rayne hugged Kelsey with one arm and let out a slow breath. Kelsey grinned at her and looked back down at him. "I think we'll be okay for a few more."

"Kelsey, where are they?" Gage's tone was hard.

Kelsey didn't need to ask who, she knew what would be on Gage's mind now that he'd found them. "We don't know where one went, but we left the other hanging in a water drain in at an abandoned quarry." She shook her head. "I don't know where though."

Cooper said something to Gage, who nodded. "We have a good idea."

A large, dark tiger came running out of the trees with a rope hanging from his mouth. It was Jake.

Blair took the rope and handed it to Gage. She strained to hear what was being said, but they kept their voices quiet, neither she nor Rayne was able to hear them. Blair looked back up at them, even in the dark she could see his whole posture change. His stance told her that the easy-going man had just become a lethal predator. He stood there for a few more seconds and then headed back the way they'd come. Noah and Jake turned to follow him. Kelsey glanced at Rayne, and they both knew where they were going.

"Just hang on, honey, I'll be up in a few minutes." Gage pulled the rope over one arm and his head and moved toward the rock. Devin was right beside him.

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