Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

Rayne sat up straighter and looked at her. "How in touch with your cat are you?"

Kelsey gave her a hesitant look. "I really don't know. She's there, and then she's not; it's all foreign to me still. Why?"

Rayne bit her bottom lip and looked her up and down. "So, you don't think you could partially shift?"

Eyes wide, Kelsey looked at her. "I don't even know how to fully shift without Gage's coaching, so I'm going to say no."

Rayne looked disappointed. "That's too bad. One of your paws would be so much more powerful than one of mine." She sighed and started to pull her shirt over her head. "I'm afraid my only weapon is my teeth and perhaps, my speed."

Scrambling to her knees, Kelsey watched her take off her clothes. "What are you doing?"

Rayne glanced around and then moved a few feet away from the door. "We are going to get out of here." She took off her Capri pants and set them on the floor, and then went to lie down on top of them. Holding up her shirt, she waved it around. "Come and cover me as much as you can with this. I don't want to give them an eyeful."

Going over she placed the shirt to cover as much of Rayne as she could. "And the plan is?" Kneeling beside her, Rayne bit her lip once more.

"You are going to raise a ruckus, tell them I'm sick, or whatever, to get them to open the door." She exhaled loudly, resting her hand on her arm. "Hopefully, only one of them comes through the door," she gave her an apprehensive look, "if not, slow down the second as long as you can." Taking a deep breath, she let it out and closed her eyes. "Just give me a second to focus, and then start pounding on the door."

Nodding, Kelsey stepped back and stared down at her. She closed her eyes, trying to see if she could feel her cat. A prickly feeling moved over her skin and she smiled. She may not know how to shift on short notice, but her cat was here with her. "Here we go," she whispered to let Rayne know she was ready.

Stepping up to the door, she smacked her palm against it. "Hey! Is anyone out there?" She smacked it a few more times. "There's something wrong with my friend." Her heart was pounding faster in her chest. "Someone, help me!" She kept smacking it until she heard keys on the other side.

"Just hold on."

It was the voice of the shorter man. She looked over at Rayne, who looked like she was asleep. "Hurry, please. I don't know what's wrong with her."

She stepped back when she heard the key in the lock. Moving to the side, she clasped her hands and tried to look like she was panicking, even though she wasn't really acting to feel that emotion. The door swung open and the man gave her a look. Pointing behind the door, she waved her hand. "She was burning up, so she stripped and then just passed out." Stepping forward she grasped his shirt in her fists, "Help her, please."

As he gave her a gentle shove back, she looked out the door to see he was alone. "Just sit over there and let me look."

Nodding and taking hasty steps back, Kelsey kept her eye on the door. Where was the tall one? Glancing over at Rayne, she watched as he knelt down beside her and leaned close to her face. She could see his rib cage expand as he inhaled slowly. Before he could do anything else, Rayne was in wolf form standing over him, his throat clamped in her jaw.

Kelsey jolted and scrambled over to Rayne holding him still. "Where's your friend?"

Rayne growled without releasing his neck.

"I think you better answer," Kelsey said trying not to grin, as the man's eyes bulged in fear.

"Supplies," he croaked, "he went for supplies."

Nodding, Kelsey looked around and then spoke to Rayne. "Can you keep him here for a second? I'm going to see if I can find something to tie him up." Rayne growled again. Kelsey darted through the door and down the stairs, wincing as the grated metal steps cut into her bare feet. The stairs led into a larger room that had to be the tower. Spotting a door, she opened it and discovered a closet. Rushing to the other door, she opened it quickly and ran outside.

Spinning in a circle, she tried to think where supplies might be found. An old rusted tool shed, half collapsed was on the other side of the narrow road that led down into the pit. Rushing over, she opened the creaking door and looked inside. A couple of forgotten pails were filled with chain. She went in and grabbed the pail with the heavy linked chain. It was going to have to do.

Securing his arms behind him, Kelsey struggled to get the hook through both links of the chain. "Well, it's not the best, but it will hold him unless he's Hercules." Glancing at Rayne, she went over and picked up her clothes. "Let's find somewhere to put him."

"My partner will be back any second now." He dragged his feet when Kelsey gave him a little shove toward the door.

"Then you'd better hurry along with us."

Rayne moved over, her ears flattened back and shoved her muzzle into his crotch, growling in a tone that even made Kelsey shudder.

"Okay, okay." The guy looked over his shoulder at her. "I'll move." Stepping back, Rayne backed toward the door, pausing to be sure he followed.

Releasing a silent breath of relief, Kelsey walked along behind him. "There's probably some old water drains around the pit, we could put him in one of those." He gave her a wide-eyed look over his shoulder, but continued to walk. Rayne stopped and waited for him to move past her and then stepped in behind him, emitting another warning growl.

Kelsey stumbled along behind them, barely able to believe any of this was happening. A week ago, her life had seemed so boring and normal, now it was neither boring nor anywhere near normal.

Scent : Animal Senses Series Book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora